FedEx Protest Box


When FedEx failed to deliver her shipment, Mrs Eaves of For the love of type blog wrote a protest letter os sorts ... except that she wrote it on the outside of another FedEx box!

Last week FedEx failed to deliver my ISTD submission from Australia to London. They had my package in their store all week and failed to notify me that it had not been sent! So, along with a letter of complaint, they will receive the box (which never got sent) covered with hand-drawn type expressing my anger. Typomania at its worst!


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ha ha ha mrs. eaves has a type blog?!?! that is ironically funny as there is a mrs. eaves font our company used in its last logo incantation......HA!
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Like her creativity... Well, I work in Apple Tech. Support for Desktops/Portables...We guys keep getting calls from people who say that the crap has not been delivered yet.. And sometimes I wish I could follow Truman "The buck stops here".. It seems so pathetic to tell em to call up fed ex or DHL or whoever
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I assure you FedEx certainly does care! I work at the world hub, and I'm going to make sure that the executives see this. We transfer millions of packages a night, and each one is to pass through our hands in two seconds or less. We ship everything imaginable, so some of the boxes weigh hundreds of pounds ... try putting that in the container in two seconds. It's very labor intensive work at breakneck speed, and honest to God, we really make every effort to make sure every single package makes it to its destination on time (I have the bruises to prove it). We don't always know what's in it. Sometimes it's a body part for transplant, sometimes it's flowers for a girl's wedding or a mother's funeral, a child's chemo, live animals, a soldier's belongings coming home from Iraq. We know that whatever is in the package is important to YOU. We DO care. Rest assured the executives will hear there may be an issue in Australia. I wish more location details had been given. The lady did a really nice job on her box.
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