Grandma Tried to Breastfeed Baby

Imagine giving your baby to your mother-in-law to hold and moments later finding out that she's trying to breastfeed your baby! That's what happened to a friend of babysugar of lilsugar blog:

The granny had one boob out and was attempting to nurse her grandson. She chuckled and said, "Oh that one's not working. Let's try this one!" before switching the infant to the other breast where he suckled her nipple. [...]

When my friends told the grandfather (husband to the nursing grandma) about his wife's actions, he shrugged it off at first. But then confronted his wife saying, "Honey, did you really try to breastfeed the Bambino?" Abashedly she replied, "I'm not going to talk about it anymore! All I will say is that it was a good bonding experience for both of us!"

Link - Thanks Heather Maddan!

Honestly, people, there's nothing wrong with what Nona did. The kid's not going to be scarred for life. He'll just be a little disappointed that the "bottles were empty," so to speak. Infants will suck on fingers, noses, anything they can get into their mouths. And grandmas still have strong maternal instincts and love to relive their "new Mommy" days with a new grandchild. Just some harmless fun, good for building a nurturing bond. Too bad some people are so ignorant about breastfeeding and see it as weird or taboo.
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i agree with you, nicholas, that the kid won't be scarred for life. still, it is an unusual thing to do with a child that isn't your own. i would think that that bond belongs to the mother and the child and no one else. breastfeeding is a wonderful, beautiful, healthy thing - but i don't think it is any of those things when done by someone else and without permission from the mother. why would the grandmother do that? i'm definitely not one to see bad motives everywhere - and i don't see one here. i just think that it's very odd.
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I don't get what the big deal was with telling the grandfather?

What, was there supposed to be some kind of sexual jealousy? Pervs...

If anyone should have a problem with it, then it should be the mother!
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The bonding issue is not the part that's weird, there've been wet nurses for centuries who breast feed for a living. It's the "hey, maybe it's a good idea if I should stick both my wrinkly dried out boobs in my grandchild's mouth without permission" that's so very very odd. No wonder she doesn't want to talk about it no more.
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Hey, I breastfed both my boys for a long time. And my mother breastfed my siblings and I. But I would have flipped my lid if she or my mother in law did this to one of my babies.

Why? Because it's not about the breastfeeding -- it's about the mother in law trying to insert herself into the relationship between her grandchild and the mom.

I'd bet my last dollar that the mother in law tied to insert herself into or constantly control some aspect of the young couple's lives.
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This story is absurd.
But when I worked in Africa, we had a grandmom who breast fed her grandkid after the mom died in childbirth...if you stimulate the breast enough, you will get milk...and in Africa, with no clean water or refrigerators, formula costs too much and can kill the kid from dirty bottles.

And there is a small bag with a tiny tube that you place along your nipple if you want to start breast feeding your adopted kid. Usually the sucking brings on mom's milk, and the tiny tube keeps the kid nourished until the milk begins to come.
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OK, all else aside, what makes you guys assume that grandma has wrinkly old breasts? She's probably, what, 40? I'll bet the picture accompanying the article is not the actual family involved.
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I'm one of those women that would be described as tokophobic, so keeping in mind that I would never give birth, and if I did, I would never breastfeed, the idea of my mom or mother in law trying to breastfeed my kid is plain creepy.
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We were living in Berkeley in the early 90s - my Thai wife, our newborn and I. My Dad flew out to visit us, and some Thai friends who lived in an all-Thai apartment building offered to watch the baby for a few hours while my Dad took my wife and me out to dinner.

When we returned from dinner, everybody in the apartment building was gathered around one apartment from which we could hear the screaming of our newborn. She had been screaming the entire time we were gone, and the ladies in the apartment building (mostly college students) didn't know what to do. One woman, however, the "grandma" had an idea that she would try to breastfeed the baby. So there they were - 20 Thai college women and this older woman with her shirt open, trying to get our baby to suckle, while one of the younger ladies dripped warm milk over her breast. Given how much the baby was screaming, it wasn't terribly successful.

Reading this post, it never occurred to me that anybody could have been bothered by this sort of thing. If anything, at the time, I was embarrassed because my kid wouldn't shut up, creating such a commotion. I was grateful that this woman was willing to try to help out and calm the baby.

I'm perplexed about the negative response here. For the Thai folks, it seemed perfectly natural. We've raised our daughter back and forth between Thailand and the US ever since (mostly in the US). In the context of Thai rural village life this solution to the problem of a screaming baby wouldn't raise a single eyebrow. The idea that American mores might consider such an addict creepy or taboo is unfortunate. A peculiar hangup.
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The reactions about the magical "bond" between mother and baby are almost as wacky as the story.

I think Grandma did it for her own pleasure rather than for the kid, which is the creepy part of it. Not sexual creepy, but creepy nonetheless.
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In some cultures, babies suck on the father's nipples, too (I guess it's like a pacifier). So this isn't all that weird; our disgust is probably just a cultural thing.

However, I am concerned that the woman didn't seem to understand basic biology. You're not going to get instant milk from a breast that hasn't produced any in many years!
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Well, this kid certainly wasn't an orphan in Africa with a lack of clean water for mixing formula. Nor was it stated that he was screaming his head off when the MIL tried this. Yes, other people around the world may have different culture standards by which this action was acceptable. Here in the States, we do not share that. Neither is our culture standard about breast feeding being reserved for the mother and infant wrong or right, it just is. Same with every culture standard across the world.

The simple fact is, the MIL violated the western culture standard that implies breast feeding is reserved for mother and infant and neither did she seek permission to attempt this "bonding". This woman seems like she might have issues with her daughter-in-law, perhaps jealousy that the new mother is receiving attention and also forming a bond with her child, and maybe a bit of a problem with this new birth signaling her youth is gone.

Frankly, if my MIL crossed the line like this I would be very angry. Even if my own mother tried it, I would be angry. And further more, this mother has the right to be angry. Just because someone else somewhere else in the world has a cultural acceptance of just anyone breast feeding a child, doesn't mean this mother has to accept what her MIL tried to do.

.....also, anyone else here think of the 'Little Britain' sketch with the grown guy whose mother and grandmother still breast feed him anytime he demands bitty?
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There are wide cultural differences in matters of breastfeeding. Practices also vary from family to family too. I have had personal inter-generational experience of having been breastfed though only for a few days when my mother was hospitalised in connection with the birth of my brother for an extended period. I was breastfe by my grandaunt and the wife of a cousin brother. As I was over three years then, and needed breastfeeding more for comfort as I missed my mother, I have vivid memories of that occasion. It was not a big deal in the family as cross-nursing and extended nursing were quite common.
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