The Kobe Bryant Snake Jump

Alex posted earlier about Kobe Bryant speaking fluent Italian - very cool, indeed. His post linked to a video of Kobe jumping over a pool of snakes. I ran across the snake jump video itself on YouTube just now and felt like it deserved its own post. It's Kobe and a bunch of the guys from Jackass playing in and around a swimming pool filled with water and a lot of snakes. I happen to hate snakes, so stunts like these knot me up inside. Kobe does an awesome flying jump to make a basket over the pool without even getting close to the serpents contained within. This is exactly the sort of silly stuff that keep those Jackass folks near and dear to our hearts.

Update, 5/30/08: Real or fake? The debate rages on in comments below. Neatorama homeslice Rhett breaks out the old slide-rule on his site DotPhys and tries to answer the question. Check it out.

I'm sorry to be cynical about this. everyday, you say it's fake, OK, but I know Jackass have done things with snakes in the past, like the one with the boa constrictor and the cobra in the pit full of plastic colourful balls.

Yeah, I'm all for having fun, and yes, a lot of the stuff jackass do is funny, stupid but very funny.

I just feel sorry for the snakes. I know in the ball pool stunt one bit Johnny Knoxville. It wouldn't have done that if it wasn't intimidated. And I swear intimidating animals is, even if minor, a form of animal cruelty.

Sorry to be cynical, I just think it's a step too far intimidating animals to the point where they feel they need to physically defend themselves.
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When you're a snake-hater, like myself, it actually feels GOOD to see snakes receiving some mild cruelty. I'd say it kind of pumps me up - puts a spring in my step.

Of course the BEST way to deal with those snakes would be to dispatch them with a bunch of shovels, but we can't have everything.
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Is it nice for a change to see people torturing small animals instead of torturing each other? Not really. And not very cool at all. Why is this on neatorama? Because the jackass people are near and dear to your heart? Might want to get that organ checked out…
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We've got to choose our battles, and unfortunately for me, hating snakes is pretty high on the top of my list of things that carry me through the day. I'd be remiss if I simply ignored my snake-hatred. What would my children think? "Oh look, there's daddy and there's that snake he hates... He's got his shovel. He's got his can of kerosene. Why isn't daddy doing anything? He's letting the snake get away."

Yes, indeed, the snake that got away. I can't wait to try to explain that to the kids. And oh yeah - btw - from now on this is a snake SANCTUARY and we're going to invite more and more of them to run out their evil biological programs right here in front of our very eyes.

No, Gents. Without revealing too much to the "We Love Snakes" crowd, I've put together a collection of tools that push the boundaries of backyard technology. It'll be snakes that we'll reap in a fully automated fashion - with a suite of options for how the lethal kill is delivered per our druthers of the given moment. You there - do you wish to incinerate that family of serpents that you've mechanically corralled into their arena of death? Do you instead wish to flay them? Chop them into bits? Poison them chemically? Electrocute them? Well, Sir, what will it be?
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Mr. Stanhope,

This is not a contest between snake lovers and snake haters. The problem is not with the snake (or the jew or the black guy…) the problem is with you. You hate or fear snakes… that is understandable and you have some of my sympathy. But to celebrate their torment… that puts you in the company - to some degree - of some other well-known individuals that acted on their fears and phobias in less than humane ways.

Would you care to share where you draw the line as to what cruelty “feels good” and puts “a little spring in your step?” Is it just snakes? Does it extend to egg eating mammals, people with different skin color or religious beliefs, or those with physical or mental handicaps?
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How can you guys not see that he obviously had a wire harness on? That was the most unnatural jump I've ever seen. FAAAAAAAAKE. LAAAAAAME.
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Two things:

1) This jump is amazingly fake, to the point of ridiculousness. I thought the point of this was to laugh at how silly & obviously fake the jump was (I still think this). I think it's a hilarious follow-up to his jump over the car (which is also fake, but had a bigger budget and was meant to appear real). But no one's trying to convince you that any human can jump like that, cause physics doesn't work that way.

2) RE: ratbite
WTH is your problem? I'm guessing you're just trying to stir up trouble because you hate Adam's other posts that tend to be liberal, because if you get this offended so easily, you must lead a stressful life. C H I L L O U T. There are better causes to get fake-mad about than saving snakes from jack-ass, and accusing people who have a sense of humor of being racist. GEEZ
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If you are going to do a fake jump then try and do it better than this one.

If anything is thrown or jumps it describes a perfect parabola, kobe flew in an effective straight line.

Which to any human eye looks wrong.
This inate ability to understand speed and parabolas is how we can throw a ball to one anonther, we compute the parabola etc in nanoseconds.

this just read wrong.
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The jump looks cool.. but sorry, Jackass is one of the stupidest shows to ever be on television, and I can't get behind any stunt that involves cruelty to animals. You might not like snakes, but that doesn't mean they deserve genocide. If that's what brings you happiness, you probably need a better hobby.
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"Snakes are the reason we’re not eye deep in rats and mice, be thankful."

Yeah, Ireland is totally overrun with rats and mice. That's why it's called the "Brown Isle", on account of all the mice and rats. You can't even see the ground.

You're probably one of those people that think if it weren't for the two spiders living in your yard, you would be suffocated by mosquitoes. Like they're some sort of super pest control.
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Mr. Stanhope has posted and praises a clip that depicts animal cruelty (which there are laws against in this country), advocates the needless destruction of a spices, defines himself a sadist (“Is amused by, or takes pleasure in, the psychological or physical suffering of others (including animals)”), defends this behavior and mindset and then advocates demonstrating this behavior to his children… I am glad this is not a typical neatorama posting. I do not find his alleged humor regarding this funny and would hope that Mr. Stanhope himself would take the time to post a serious response or explanation.
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Yes, I know this looks very fake. But I am pretty sure it is one of the three possibilities:
1) not fake at all
2) cheated, using a trampoline to jump (but it didn't look like he did)
3) fake, but an AWESOME fake

I did an analysis of this jump - horizontal and vertical acceleration are what you would expect for a real jump
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