After Velma Thomas' heart stopped beating three times and more than 17 hours with no measurable brain waves, her family said their goodbyes and took her off life support.
Then something completely unexpected happened: she miraculously came back to life!
"There were really no signs she had neurological functions," Kevin Eggleston, an internist, told ABC News. "There was no life there," her son, Tim Thomas, told the Charleston Daily Mail. "Her skin had already started hardening, her hands and toes were curling up." [...]
Family members left the hospital to make funeral arrangements. That's when they say a miracle happened.
Ten minutes after the medical staff stopped the respirator -- while nurses were removing the tubing -- Velma Thomas woke up. "She moved her arm, and we thought it was reflexes," Pence told ABC News.
Nurses hurried to call Tim Thomas, who was already a few miles away, on his cell phone. They told him that his mother was moving and had a heart rate, Tim Thomas told the Daily Mail.
Velma Thomas had moved her arm and foot, then she coughed and moved her eyes. Amazingly, Thomas began speaking.
Comments (12)
This is just really bad reporting, neurologica and the other site mentioned get it right. 17 Hours my arse.