After publishing the Top 10 Badass James Bond Villains, The List Universe has a short and enjoyable follow up post, this time the lamest guys Agent 007 ever had to beat up. Like this guy, for example:
The Man with the Golden Gun
Never has a Bond character been so unbelievable and offensive as Herve Villechaize’s diminutive butler-henchman. Nevermind the fact that his name makes him sound like a wind-up toy, or that he’s subjected to every imaginable stature-related cliche. We must also sit uncomfortably through the single most ridiculous fight scene in Bond
history, watching Roger Moore chase poor Herve around the room with a chair before stuffing him into a suitcase.
Link - via Miss Cellania
Give a dog a bone;
This old man came rolling home
I have that song carved in my head now!
He was Skaramnga's man servant.
So he was an evil servant.
He only became truly villainous at the end when...well, I don't want to spoil it for you.