Archive for May 25th, 2008

Phoenix Mars Lander Twitter Feed

Thanks to Twitter, I know the Phoenix Mars Lander touched down on the Martian surface today with no problems. Like any Twitter addict, the lander has been sending constant updates. You can follow along, too! Link -via...

LEGO Rorschach

So, what do you see in the LEGO Rorschach above? More by Shannon Ocean at MOCpages here: Link - via The Brothers Brick...

Naho Matsuno's Cube Stools

Behold Naho Matsuno's Cube 6. It's a set of stools impossibly packed into one Borg-like cube. (Now this is the guy to call when you have to pack your suitcase or something!)

Jon Dyer's Quest of Growing All Beard Types Known to Man

Jon Dyers is on a quest to grow every type of beard (and sideburn) known to man. This one on the left is The Anchor: "A beard without sideburns that extends along jawline and is styled into a point. It is c...

Why Do Casinos Have Ugly Carpet?

Why do casinos have such ugly carpets? David G. Schwartz of The Die is Cast blog and avid collector of casino carpet photos (amazing gallery here, blogged previously on Neatorama here) said that "Casino carpet is kn...

Fractal Cookies

The crazy guys at EVil Mad Scientist Laboratories made this awesome fractal Sierpinski cookies out of contrasting colors of butter cookie dough. Who knew that fractal could be so yummy?Here's the DIY guide: Link - via Cl...

Lilly McElroy Throwing Herself at Men

Photo: Lilly McElroyLilly McElroy throws herself into her art project - literally! For her "I Throw Myself At Men" series, Lilly photographs herself leaping into the arms of male strangers in bars and restauran...

Moving Images Stamp by Austrian Post

The moving image to the left is the winning soccer goal by Andreas "Andi" Herzog for Austria in 1997. The goal is a source of national pride as the Austrian national team defeated Sweden in route to their 1998...

Megaman 2 Bedroom Wall

John of Kid Overdrive spent 3 months measuring, stenciling, painting and retouching by hand to create this Megaman 2 wall for his bedroom: Link - via Boing Boing...

Australian Pioneer Cooking

Old Australian cookbooks are on exhibit at the State Library of New South Wales in Sydney. Some of the recipes are pretty strange from today’s view. In "The Antipodean Cookery Book", first published in 1895, Mrs....

Crash Tests

(YouTube link) A compilation of many, many crash tests. You have to wonder what they did with the data on the rolling sushi and the sausagemobile. Warning: AC/DC music. -via Bits and Pieces...

16-Year Old Boy Isolates Microbe That Eats Plastic, Potentially Saves Earth

I first became truly horrified at America's addiction to plastic and its already-hugely deleterious effects when I read Best Life's stunning piece on our Plastic Ocean. One of the most dangerous elements of plastic is th...

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