Archive for May 23rd, 2008

The Logo Equations

Logólogos, a neat blog by Argentinian bloggers Javier and Luna, is all about transformation of logos through clever use of ... um, quasi-mathematical formulas. I particularly like what they did for Wikipedia and t...

The Real Reason Why Young People Don't Like Math

Add this to the pile of excuses why young people loathe to study math: they think that mathematicians are slovenly and unpopular with women!The research suggested that most students and graduates associate a mathemat...

"Sexpresso" Stand Got Local Businesses All Hot and Bothered

Bill Wheeler of Grab 'N' Go Espresso hit on a winning formula for competing against Starbucks: make the baristas as stimulating as the coffee! Espresso drive-through stands with bikini- and lingerie-sporting baristas...

Visual Music Test

Jake Mandell, who brought you the tonedeaf test last year, has another musical test called the Associative Visual Music Intelligence (AMVI) test. How well can you associate a musical sequence with a visual shape? It’s...

The Italian Spiderman

It. Doesn't. Get. Any. Better. Than. This. Behold, The Italian Spiderman, presented by Alrugo Entertainment. The film is supposed to be a recently discovered 1968 Italian action-adventure film, which was then deemed &quo...

Weezer salutes YouTube

Here's a fun video by 90s rockers Weezer for their tune Pork and Beans. They're clearly YouTube fans and the video demonstrates this. How many YouTube celebs can you identify? The Numa Numa guy looks real... Is tha...

Random Post on Neatorama

I've just installed a pretty neat Random Redirect plug-in for Wordpress, written by the Wordpress guy himself Matt Mullenweg.You can now get a random Neatorama post (out of 14,300 posts we have over the years - and count...

Avant-Garde Hair Designs at the Coiffure Award 2008

(L) by Gisli Ari Hafsteinsson (R) by Caroline BackxHow could we have missed this? The Dutch Coiffure Award 2008 was just completed and the gallery of the winning designs are up. There are designs for men and women, but t...

Architecture of Authority by Richard Ross

Guantanamo, Cuba. Photo: Richard RossIn his 2007 book, Architecture of Authority, photographer Richard Ross took photos of stark jail cells and military bases - places that you'd normally associate with the perv...

Quote: Oliver Herford on a Woman's Mind

"A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's: she changes it more often." - Oliver Herford, writer and artist...

Super Mario Cars

Do you like Super Mario? I betcha you don't like it as much as these people do ... They even decorate their cars with Super Mario art:More at - via Look at ThisMore at The Straits Times' Stomp blog: Singap...

Jimmy Zhang's Food Sculpture

Photo: Jimmy ZhangThat's just one of many playful food sculptures by San Francisco chef and produce artist (apparently, there is such a thing!) Jimmy Zhang. If you're wondering, the rats are made from taro roots.The New...

Trivia: The Five Seconds Rule

Scientists have actually investigated the Five-Second Rule.The Five-Second Rule states that it's okay to eat a dropped piece of food, as long as you pick it up before you can count to five. In 2003, a high school intern...

When Bodybuilding and Steroids Go Too Far

Steroids abuse and bodybuilding have gone hand in hand for decades. Many bodybuilders use anabolic steroids to give them an edge in competition, but some guys (and gals) go too far. Way too far.Here's an article from Lif...

Phoenix Mars Lander

NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander was launched last August, and is scheduled to reach the surface of Mars on Sunday. This is the first Mars mission that will set down near the planet’s frozen pole. Scientists hope to find ice...

Inner City Snail

Slinkachu, the artist who brought you Little People, a Tiny Street Art Project, has a new “moving art” project. It moves pretty slowly, as it consists of snails with painted shells placed in London landscapes. He...

Room 8

One day in 1952, a cat showed up at Elysian Heights Elementary School in Los Angeles and became a fixture there for the rest of his life. He hung out with the sixth-grade students in room 8, so his name became Room 8. He...

A Polaroid Every Day

Artist and musician Jamie Livingston began taking a Polaroid picture every day, from March 31st, 1979 through October 5th, 1997 -his 41st birthday, and the day he died. The resulting 6,697 pictures are an art collection,...

Penetrating Brain Injuries

Neurophilosophy has posted a roundup of unusual penetrating brain injuries, with properly horrifying x-rays. Most of these cases were self-inflicted wounds, and all of the patients survived! Warning: not for the squeamis...

The History of the Flying Pig

Rolling Stone has an in-depth article explaining why Pink Floyd adopted a flying pig as a symbol, and how it became the most famous rock and roll prop ever. The pig made its first appearance on the cover of the 1977 alb...

Hi-Can, the Ferrari of Beds

Ok, here's the gist. This bed is something you'll never EVER want to get out of. Why? Well, check the video out first then read the rest! Also, check out what the designer description says: High Fide...

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