Photo: Mark Jemison of Melbourne
Do you remember the travelling gnome, who was made famous in the 2001
French film Amélie? Well, this is kind of like that, except with a can of S&W Black Beans.
It all started as a practical joke between friends that got out of control, way out of control. Thanks to the Interweb, the "Beans Around the World" can of S&W Black Beans (okay, technically it's not the same can, but who cares) has been to 515 different cities so far: Link - Thanks Forrest!
This probably isn't directly related, but the book Skinny Legs and All by Tom Robbins prominently features a can of beans that travels halfway around the world.
It is a world wide movement beggining with a dorky modeling headshot found in a dumpster.
I originally stumbled across it at a gellery opening and was floored at what it had become.
It is not interweb but INTERTUBE.
ps: various associates including moi take a fode of a 'site' with a tube/tub/jar/pack of vegemite in the forefront. Started with the Pyramids 20 years ago,Last one is Macchu Piccu a few years ago but 515 places? That's organised.
Why these beans?