Gas Prices Map of the United States

Biggify here

Gas prices have topped $4 in the city where I live, so I was wondering just how high are gas prices across the United States? Gas Buddy, a website dedicated to spotting cheap gas prices, has the answer.

Here's a "temperature" map of gas prices in the United States, broken down into counties. California, unsurprisingly is the "hottest": Link - via Treehugger, thanks Chris!

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I completely agree with you, fourstar, but our government has an aversion to things that make sense. Although I guess that's characteristic of any government.

Still, the common people have very little control over taxes. I would gladly pay more for gas if the taxes would go into public transportation, but I really can't see that happening until Alaska's reserves have been run dry.
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@Natascha Hirsche:

That's a really good point, well made (and nicer to read than the automatic Euro political slagging of previous commenters)

However, one of the reasons we have a public transportation system in the UK (yes, even in rural areas and long distance) is because we pay a higher fuel tax. So if your fuel taxes were higher, you could have a bus service which would be cheaper and less shitty for the environment, no?

I say it again - you /really/ like your cars...
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