Archive for May 21st, 2008

The Giger Bar

This bar in Gruyere, Switzerland was designed by H.R. Giger, the artist who designed the alien in the movie Alien. Spooky! Link -via Bad Astronomy Blog...

Beans Around the World

Photo: Mark Jemison of MelbourneDo you remember the travelling gnome, who was made famous in the 2001 French film Amélie? Well, this is kind of like that, except with a can of S&W Black Beans. It all started...

Rampenfest: Viral Ad Launches New Beemer Straight from Bavaria to USA with a Giant Ramp

There's a thin line between genius and insanity, or so says Jeff Schultz who shot and directed this little documentary video called Rampenfest, about a little Bavarian village who built a giant ramp to bring the...

Next-Gen Avatar Captures Facial Expression

Photo: Image Metrics and Anthony VerducciThat's Glenn Derene of Popular Mechanics, who turned himself into an "emoting" avatar (i.e. with facial expressions), courtesy of a new generation of motion capture soft...

Gas Prices Map of the United States

Biggify hereGas prices have topped $4 in the city where I live, so I was wondering just how high are gas prices across the United States? Gas Buddy, a website dedicated to spotting cheap gas prices, has the answer.Here's...

How to Load a Bobcat Onto a Flatbed Truck All by Itself

How do you load a Bobcat loader onto a flatbed truck with no ramp? By backing it in, of course! - you'll see: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks M!hai!...

If Chuck Norris Were Elected Vice President ...

Chuck Norris once wrote a column If I am elected president, in which he listed things he will do in the Oval Office. Well, it seems that he won't get that chance to be president, but the race on vice presidency...

World's Worst Poet Outsold Harry Potter

William McGonagall, ridiculed as "the world's worst poet" has just outsold Harry Potter in an auction in Edinburgh, Ireland Scotland (duh!):Alex Dove, from auctioneers Lyon and Turnbull, said: "He was...

Lost Parrot Knows Own Address!

When Yosuke the parrot flew his coop and got lost, he found his way back home by telling people his home address. (But not to the cops - This parrot is no stool pigeon!)"I'm Mr. Yosuke Nakamura," the bird t...

Softball on The Simpsons

Today’s Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss deals with a subject I’m not at all familiar with, but you might be. It’s still early in the Major League Baseball season, but some teams have already been ravaged by i...

The Ten Deepest Caves in the World

Guess what: they’re all in Europe (unless you want to argue about the location of Georgia). Some of them run a mile or more deep into the earth, although to actually go a mile deep, you’d have to trek or rappel for...

Cat Attends Symphony Concert

Nearly 3,000 people, including US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, were in attendance as the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra performed last night in Tel Aviv. The star of the show was a cat who snuck in to enjoy the fe...

Pirate's Booty

Brandon Pinto spills the beans on what it’s like to portray Captain Jack Sparrow at Disneyland. They told him no flirting, no mentioning alcohol, and no facial hair. Huh? It took over an hour to get Disney’s sui...

Starfish Time Lapse

(Vimeo link) Have you ever seen a starfish move? I haven’t either. This time-lapse video shows they don’t quite walk on their arms they way you’d expect! Note: The first scene shows barnacles and tiny snails...

"Mapnimal" of Asia

BibliOdyssey has a really neat post about this caricature map of Asia by Tanaka, titled "The Illustration of The Great European War No. 16," where Russia is depicted as a big bear, China as a pig, India as an e...

Sumo Car Wash

Scantily clad people in teensy weensy thongs washing a 2008 Subaru Forester and having fun doing it. Intrigued? As long as you know, it's not sexy ... it's sumo!Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] (you've been warned!) - *e...

A Woman's Day in Brands

Inspired by Noah Brier's awesome Brand Tag (blogged previously here on Neatorama), Jane of Dear Jane Sample blog decided to create a visual representation of her typical Friday in brands ... It certainly reveals a lot ab...

Awesome Furniture Art by Los Carpinteros

Photo: University of South Florida, Institute for Research in Art, Graphic Studio. Marco Castillo and Dago Rodriguez, better known as Los Carpinteros ("The Carpenters") are two Cuban artists who designed furnit...

Orangutan in Hollywood

(YouTube link) An orangutan looks for work in the entertainment industry, but things are tough all over. This is a viral for Levi Strauss from Benzo Theodore, who also did the “jumping into your jeans” video. -vi...

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