Photo: Carlos Gutierrez/UPI/Landov
Not only is Chile's long dormant Chaitén volcano now erupting, but it is creating some amazing volcanic lightning storms. All I can think of when I see the picture is "wow", so here's a better description of the phenomenon from the article:
"The mingling of lightning and ash seen above may be a 'dirty thunderstorm.'
The little-understood storms may be sparked when rock fragments, ash, and ice particles in the plume collide to produce static charges—just as ice particles collide to create charge in regular thunderstorms. (More: Volcanic Lightning Sparked by 'Dirty Thunderstorms,' Study Finds" [February, 2, 2007].)"
Read the full story and see other photos at National Geographic.
Anybody know how much co2 that puppy is dumping into the atmosphere? Yet nobody's blaming it for global warming.
Besides, WTF are you going to do to stop a volcano? That shit's hot.