Archive for May 15th, 2008

10 Optical Illusions in 2 Minutes

Ooh, this is an excellent viral video clip ad by Samsung: 10 optical illusions in 2 minutes. The dino robot alone is worth it! Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Elijah Jones!If you like the dino robot, y...

Yves "Fusion Man" Rossy Jet-Powered Wing Flight

A while ago, we posted about Yves Rossy, a former Swiss military pilot that jumps out of airplanes with a jetpack.But this clip that is making its round on the InterWeb is so darned cool that we have to feature it again....

Girl Scout Sold 17,328 Boxes of Cookies!

Meet Jennifer Sharpe, a 15-year-old girl scout who sold an astonishing 17,328 boxes of cookies by setting up shop on a street corner:"Make a goal, and don't give up on it. Keep working for it, and one of these d...

Skin Disease or Dungeons and Dragons Character?

In today’s Lunchtime Quiz from mental_floss, you are given a nonsense word (or at least that’s what they seem to be), and you decide whether it’s a character from Dungeons and Dragons or a skin disease. Although...


In addition to natural selection, Charles Darwin referred to artificial selection, meaning the process of breeding domestic animals to select for desirable traits. His cousin Sir Francis Galton said this principle could...

The Something Store

Send ten dollars to the Something Store and they will send you ...something. You don’t know what it will be, but hey, it’s only ten dollars! It maybe something you need, something you want or something you desir...

Voice of Bart Simpson

On Australian's weekly television talk show Rove Live, hosted by Rove McManus, he speaks with Nancy Cartwright who is famous for the voice of Bart Simpson. In the interview, she also impersonates does other charactor...

What is it? Game 62

Yay! Today's the day for our collaboration with What is it? Blog. Can you guess what this strange tool is used for?Place your guess in the comment section - one guess per comment, please, but you can submit as many as yo...

The Origin of Words You Hear A Lot in the Office

The following is reprinted from Bathroom Reader Plunges Into History Again Did you know that the word "cubicle" used to mean sleeping quarters (actually, it still is for some people), "suit" cam...

WorldWide Telescope is Here

The website for Microsoft's WorldWide Telescope, mentioned here at Neatorama a couple of months ago, went live yesterday. The WorldWide Telescope (WWT) is a Web 2.0 visualization software environment that en...

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