Archive for May 14th, 2008

The Freshman Mayor: 19-Year-Old John Hammons Won Mayoral Race

Meet John Hammons, a 19-year-old college freshman at the University of Oklahoma. He was just elected mayor of Muskogee, a city of 38,000 in northeastern part of the state! Hammons, who will be sworn in next week, sai...

Flight Patterns by Aaron Koblin

In 2005, Aaron Koblin took all of the air traffic over United States data, as seen by the FAA, and visualized it in a beautiful animation. Aaron's work was originally developed as a series of experiments for the "Ce...

Pablo Picasso's Guernica in 3D

Pablo Picasso was commissioned by the Spanish government to commemorate the Nazi Germany bombing of Guernica, Spain, during the Spanish Civil War in 1937. The result is Guernica, a black and white painting that depicts t...

Star Wars Typography

Just. How. Awesome. Is This. Behold, the Darth Vader typography, created by David Friedman of Ironic Sans.And another one by Justin Crisostomo: Also on Neatorama: Miss Baskerville Typography Shirt by Matt Sutter...

Animated Graffiti MUTO by Blu

MUTO is a new short film by Blu: it's a time-lapse "wall animation" made in Buenos Aires and Baden, guaranteed to be the best graffiti you'll see today.Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]...

If the Fast Food companies teamed up to make a fighting game...

...the character select screen would look like this. Art by Lysol-Jones. Visit his DeviantArt gallery or his personal site. I'd absolutely buy this game....

Donald Soffritti's Comic Book Superheroes and Villains Drawn as Old People

Italian comic artist Donald Soffritti drew very funny cartoons of what super heroes and villains would look like in old age! Doc Ock above doesn't seem too thrilled having all those arms to carry grocery bags home.Tons o...

The Art of Manliness' 100 Must-Read Books

The Art of Manliness blog has a huge archive of the manly things manly man should do, like How to Break Down a Door, or How to Hug like a Man, so it's refreshing to see something different.Here's a neat list of the 100 m...

Songs of Praise Subtitled by the Hard of Hearing for the Hard of Hearing!

Adam Buxton of the British TV comedy show "Adam and Joe" showed us why you don't need a Bollywood song for funny song lyrics subtitle. Here's one that he did for Songs of Praise ("translations of popular h...

The Original ACME Catalog

Long before internet shopping, Wile E. Coyote got all his products via mail order from the ACME Catalog. ACME sold just about anything you’d ever need! You can take a look at the catalog yourself. ACME is a worl...

Vote for Cannes Short Films

The National Film Board of Canada, in association with the Cannes Short Film Corner and partner YouTube, presents the fourth annual Short Film Online Competition - Cannes 2008. Between May 9 and May 19, 2008, filmma...

Your Brains... er... Movie Recommendations... Needed

I've always been a fan of horror movies, but in the past couple of years I've really gravitated toward, you know, the living dead. Shaun of the Dead is pretty much my favorite movie of all time. George Romero?...

Anteater Eats from a Spoon

(YouTube link) Last year, Neatorama introduced you to Pua the Tamandua. Pua’s owner, TamanduaGirl also has Stewie, seen here eating from a spoon. Stewie can also walk on two legs, and he is a professional painter! B...

25 Strangest Collections on the Web

Some people collect stamps, others collect comic books. The people on this list, however, collect things that are far, far stranger. Behold, Neatorama's guide to the 25 Strangest Collections on the Web:...

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