Neil Young Gets His Own Spider

62-year-old rocker Neil Young has been honored with his own species, a trapdoor spider named Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi.
An East Carolina University biologist, Jason Bond, discovered a new species of trapdoor spider and opted to call the arachnid after his favorite musician, Canadian Neil Young, naming it Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi.

"There are rather strict rules about how you name new species," Bond said in a statement.

"As long as these rules are followed you can give a new species just about any name you please. With regards to Neil Young, I really enjoy his music and have had a great appreciation of him as an activist for peace and justice."

The new species was found in Alabama in 2007. Link -via Geek Like Me

(image credit: Reuters)

Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi?

Reminds me of that Channel 9 sketch on "The Fast Show"...

Buono estente.... Trap Door Spider... Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi... Boutros Boutros-Ghali!
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I like Neil Young's music too, but this seems kind of dopey to me. I prefer the old days when men in bushy white beards picked Latin phrases or obscure Greek myths. Just seemed more timeless than some dude who just happens to like Neil Young.
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