Chilli loves to munch on grass and do other things regular cattle do. He's just like one of the guys, with one big difference: the black and white Friesian bullock is the size of a small elephant!
Despite his grand stature, Chilli only grazes on grass during the day and enjoys the occasional swede as a treat.
The heifer, who is almost as high as he is long, lives at the Ferne Animal Sanctuary in Chard, Somerset, after he was left on their doorstep aged just six-days-old.
Nine years on, Chilli has kept on growing, and staff believe the giant will smash a record for Britain's tallest ever cow.
Link - Thanks cuimhne!
a bullock (according to wikipedia) is a castrated male- for sure a male.
a heifer is a female.
this article calls the poor animal both of the above and refers uses the word 'he'- so is he a he...or a she. Can't be both.
Hey, you guys are one of my favorite blogs. You usually do much better than this, even if this IS fake, it should be written up right, LOL.
I have my doubts about this article. The photos are taken at low angles, with a wide angle lens & with the owner/handlers behind Chili the steer. Chili IS clearly a steer (neutered bull) yet the article refers to him as a bull/bullock/heifer/cow which points towards sloppy writing and I suspect a bit of hyperbole.
Steers can get huge (taller than bulls) and Holsteins are one of the taller cow breeds. Most steers we ever see are beef steer and the beef breeds tend to be short & stout. I recall seeing a team of Holstein oxen (oxen are adult steers trained to work) and they were huge. So I'm not doubting Chili is probably the tallest Holstein steer than most people have seen but mature Holstein steers just are not very common.
@Hezzawezza: Just because someone doesn't know the same things you do doesn't mean they are ignorant in general.
the article is not fake or embellished.
I saw a news story on it this morning with video footage, and the cow is every bit as massive as it look in this picture. amazing.
Heifer- immature female
Cow- mature female
Bullock(UK) or Steer(USA)- castrated male
Bull- intact or breeding male