Neatoramanaut T-Shirt, now available at Neatorama's Online Store
Neatoramabot T-Shirt | O RLY? T-Shirt | Bad Chewie T-Shirt |
W00t! I'm excited and happy to announce that Neatorama's online T-shirt store is open for business!
Get Neatorama T-shirts, including the Neatoramanaut design by Adam "Ape Lad" Koford that was voted Reader's favorite a while ago, awesome cartoons by Mike Jacobsen of See Mike Draw, as well as funny Web Lingo shirts done exclusively for Neatorama.
We'll be rolling out more shirts as we go, and some quantities are limited, so support the blog and buy your Neatorama T-shirt today! Thank you!
Looking forward to getting one. Glad you opened up shop.
Uh...ok. :s
BTW, hate to be all particular, but the logo's seem a little big. I dig them when they are like the size of the pocket on the left side. Know the style I mean? Just find em a little more comfortable.
@E: I think I've cleared up the confusion. The design is on the chest area of the shirts.
@NeuroGrl: I'll look into XS and see if we can do it with the current design
@Ola Amigo: We're thinking about pocket logo shirts - it should be no problem, but we will probably roll those out later.
To everyone who ordered, thank you!
I use neatorama images all the time to update the image I have on IM at work. (Let me know if you don't know what I mean. IM is a big work tool where I am at)
and a coworker asked and I turned her on to the site and she's another huge fan. We love what you guys do!
Will say though, this is the t-shirt style that makes me (a large fellow) look best:
Rock on yall!
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