Man's Wound Looks Like The Virgin Mary

Marc Lipton was riding his motorcycle when he lost control and slid about 50 feet along the road. He believed that he lived to tell the tale because The Virgin Mary protected him from further injury.

And he's got the wound to prove it: a bloody scrape in the shape of the Virgin Mary. - via Cabinet of Wonders (Photo: Marc Lipton)

Previously on Neatorama: August: a Busy Month for Religious Sightings!

With all of these dumb religious 'sitings' around right now, I would be starting to get really annoyed by them if a lot of them weren't dumb enough to be funny. Like this one.
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Nobody can really prove or disprove that this means anything. It may be totally random, or it may be some real religious symbol that protected him. There's no way to prove either.

No debate here, but I'm glad he came out of it alright.
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Yeah, that looks nothing like a virgin mary any more than a swirl of tomato sauce. If Mary were really looking over him, he'd have NO scratches, a completely undamaged motorbike and would have awoke from the crash in a bed of flowers with a nice tasteful card that said "oh hai, i saved your butt, think of me, be good, lurvs ya. Mary."

He was lucky, and that's no proof of god or anything other than luck.
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"Nobody can really prove or disprove that this means anything"

The burden of proof - such as it is - is entirely on those claiming that it does. The rest of us will be pointing and laughing until they come up with something.
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Weren't it some potato chip that looked like Jesus himself too? Just when something is vaguely in the shape of something, people freaks out. OH GOD, my birthmark looks like...coffe spilled on linoleum floor!!!
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skin + friction + asphalt = nasty wound.

skin + friction + asphalt DOES NOT = divine intervention.

sorry, guy. maybe some knee-pads would have prevented such confusion.
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