The Duggars Are Expecting Their 18th Baby

The Duggars, who already have 17 children, making them America's largest family, continues to embiggen. Michelle and Jim Bob have just announced that they're expecting a new baby on New Year's Day, January 1, 2009.

All of their children's names start with the letter "J," so Discovery Health is taking polls on what you think the name should be: Link

Ugh, this story is just depressing. Especially since they're all home schooled.

I suppose I can take comfort in the fact that people people with this mindset are in the extreme minority. Although I know several people who have had children because they are against birth control, I just hope they don't let their beliefs get them to as many children as the Deggers'.
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Jaws? Jehad? Jesus? Joe Blow? Jingo? Joke? Jubilee? Judge? Juctice? or JJJJJJJJJJJunior?

Mrs. Duggars clearly has a mental illness. She & Mr. Duggars are secretly plotting to take over Myanmar after the government destroys everything. Then they will have to rename Burma again starting with the letter...........J! You guessed it! What would you call it if you were Mrs. Duggars? Does her name begin with J?
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You need to pass two tests and get a license to drive a car (at least in California), but you can spread your legs and recreate as often as you feel like it.

I really don't think this kind of behavior should be celebrated or awarded. If anything, the parents should be legally required to have themselves sterilized.

If they wanted such a large family, why not adopt? For crying out loud, there are kids out in the world desperate for a family.
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wow how self important do these people think they are?? child services should step in to see if these people are fit to attempt populating a small town with their breed. I mean c'mon are they overly intelligent? great genetics? because if not then the world doesn't need anymore Duggars from this family. and no I'm not jaded I have 2 wonderful children of my own.

p.s. mike judge was right. an idiocracy is inevitable if people like this are allowed to continue
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Bigoted eh? I think everyones been 100% right about's a sad situation. Every one of those kids is going to grow up, use up millions of dollars in food and other resources, drive a gas-guzzling car that pollutes the already strained environment, and then have like twenty kids of their own.

We are doomed as a species.
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Thanks, Rence, I've seen that picture before. I don't know who created it, but it's absolutely perfect.

This family is a cult. They've even established their own church.

There's nothing special about them that would justify their unlimited breeding.

I'm sick of the Discovery channels supporting them by putting them on specials on television. In fact, I'm going to go send a few emails regarding that right now. It probably won't mean anything, but it will make me feel better.
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Jesus lady! Its a vagina, not a clown car!

I don't know where I read that line before, so I can't take credit (although I wish I could) but I think its perfect for this situation.
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So this family has a litter of puppies and we're all supposed to applaud? Frankly, it's disgusting. They're probably delusional and believe this mega-spawning is some sort of mission from god.

What a bunch of lunatics.
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Really weird comments. If you go to their website you can see how well-off they are, they have a sound studio! The children are doing really well as far as we can tell though I would be interested to see how the home-schooled part really works. You can't be serious about sterilization or banning them from reproducing. It's called freedom and they're providing for themselves. There's a fine line between logical criticism and crazy. Criticize them in intelligent ways as their website provides plenty of things to go with. Check out their 'God's methods of finances on DVD' crap.
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Parker, why are they so well off? They get a shitload of money from the church for being their poster family. They aren't taking care of themselves, they're being taken care of. Without the church they'd be just another poor trailer-trash family who spouts out children because they have nothing else worthwhile to do.

Do you really think it's intelligent to procreate just because you can and not think of the reprecussions? The earth is on the verge of overpopulation as it is. It's families like these that make me wish that more tsunamis and more hurricanes wipe out parts of the planet just to keep the population levels in check.
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Why they're well-off isn't at the center of the issue. Like I said, their 'finances' are really dubious but the fact is the family is not endangering these children just because they are numerous. Blame this country for downplaying the importance of family planning or banning gay people from adopting or pushing the stereotype of 'poor trash families' humping because they're too dumb or lazy to do anything else that are doing so much harm to the world when that's not actually the case or the fact that Americans consume more food and energy than the majority of the world, large and small families alike. Jumping the gun with the hate speech some people here are spouting off is ridiculous. You can't take seriously someone who wishes massive deaths upon parts of the world because they think we have too many people in the world..especially considering the recent natural events.
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I think Sofar hit it on the head.
But seriously. Birth-control? I know many religions are "against" it, but personally, I think God would be more against killing the earth with ridiculous overpopulation. I mean seriously, if you are religious and believe the Bible, even in loose terms, I don't think God meant this when he said "Go forth and be plentiful". At that time, there were technically 2 people.
And the reason they have the means to take care of 18 kids is, for the most part, they are TV-fodder. I really don't think their church has anything to do with it.
What bothers me is that with that many children, one woman cannot take care of all of them. The older ones end up taking care of the younger ones, or at least, that's what has happened in all of the large families I have known (which is a lot).
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I've seen this family on TV. They are nuttier than a barrel of peanuts.

The mom looks like a blast from the 17th century, and the dad freak me out with his perma-smile.

I guess these simpleton heartland people out in the midwest are where Bush gets the 30 % of the country that supports him.
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And the reason they have the means to take care of 18 kids is, for the most part, they are TV-fodder.

Uh, no. Taking care of 18 kids is not that much more expensive than taking care of, say, 12. Which, granted is still a lot, but not enough to attract national attention.
I'm pretty sure Jim Bob takes in quite a bit of money with his real estate gig. They've been doing this long before they became famous for it.

I'm a bit saddened by the comments here too. Are we so afraid of people who have different beliefs? Sure, they belong to a kooky church. Yes, they have an unusual number of children. I've seen the TV specials... they've got their act together (in terms of raising children... I won't comment on some of their other beliefs). Their kids are clothed, fed, schooled, and yes, I would venture to say that they're loved. They've got the money, the land, and them means, why shouldn't they be allowed to have so many kids? It's not like Arkansas is in risk of becoming overpopulated.

As for future Duggar generations, consider this: my father was one of 10 kids; all 10 went on to raise normal-sized families (one sibling had 5 kids, the rest had 4 or fewer). I'm pretty sure the kids understand that they are not the norm. Being featured on national TV usually has that effect.
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Careful there, Heil Bush; Arkansas isn't in the Midwest. We've got our own crazies and Bush lickers, but few of them have more than seven or eight children.
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Families should be taxed for every child over two. The tax should rise with each child. If it's that important to them, they should pay for the extra resources they consume.
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Yep - it's depressing how hateful and negative the commenters here have been. It just takes a tiny amount of imagination to accept that in a free society there's room for this family's novel way of life to be perfectly ok. Obviously we don't live in the sort of world, for instance that my great-grandmother inhabited where she had 9 children - who survived - and that was a good thing for plenty of families to do. We now live in a richer, more diverse world where people can choose to be "breeders" no matter how much others may hate that - or they may choose to be childless - like I hope some of the hate-filled commenters here do. Focus your hate on terrorists or sociopaths instead please - and get a perspective. This family is an exception.
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Geez, these guys are giving rabbits a serious challenge. But let's see how fun it is when this kid's got dark skin and black curly hair...hehe....
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White people are breeding below replacement levels. Thanks for keeping us white folks off of the extinction list a little longer. Be fruitful and multiply!
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What a freak show.

Didn't this guy run for congress?

I am so glad he wasn't elected. Brainwashed Christian freakoes. WTF is up with everyone dressing the same, and those wierd anachronistic dresses and hairstyles? They should just ditch their van and cop a horse drawn covered wagon that can hold all of them more comfortably.
I also hear sod-brick houses are going pretty cheap out thar on the prairie these days.
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Bear with me please... Here's some info on their "religion"

Followers of the evangelical Christian movement called Quiverful, the Duggars were featured on a Discovery Health channel special last September, and they are currently at work on a series examining life in their home. All the children are home-schooled and participate in domestic chores, which the family call "jurisdictions.

Quotes from various websites, including the "Quiverfull" website:

Rachel Scott, who calls herself a "one-woman Quiverfull activist," describes her conversion moment. One night after the birth of her fourth child--their third "oops" baby due to birth-control failures--when the prospect of tuition for four consumed husband Christopher and their pastor was urging vasectomy, Christopher saw a warrior angel in his dream. A "large, worrying warrior angel" with a flaming sword that he pointed at Christopher's genitals, telling him, "Do not change God's plan."
Quiverfull parents try to have upwards of six children. They home-school their families, attend fundamentalist churches and follow biblical guidelines of male headship--"Father knows best"--and female submissiveness. They refuse any attempt to regulate pregnancy. Quiverfull began with the publication of Rick and Jan Hess's 1989 book, A Full Quiver: Family Planning and the Lordship of Christ, which argues that God, as the "Great Physician" and sole "Birth Controller," opens and closes the womb on a case-by-case basis. Women's attempts to control their own bodies--the Lord's temple--are a seizure of divine power.

Also: "Ten Great Reasons To Have Another Child"
1. Have another child to join with God in the creation of an immortal soul.
2. Have another child to bring joy into your life.
3. Have another child to grown in holiness and virtue.
4. Have another child to help end abortion.
5. A) Have another child so your sons will have brothers and your daughters will have sisters/B) Have another child so your sons will have sisters and your daughters will have brothers.
6. Have another child so you (and your parents) won’t be lonely in old age.
7. Have another child because people are our greatest resource.
8. Have another child to contribute to the economy.
9. Have another child to counter global depopulation.
10. Have another child to help populate heaven.
They borrow their name from Psalm 127: "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate." Quiverfull mothers think of their children as no mere movement but as an army they're building for God.

And an interesting article on Quiverfull:


I am disgusted by them and others like them. Judge me as you wish.
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Oh gee, I am so shocked to hear they're really religious.

The second I saw them I was thinking to myself...
Hmm Mormon, or 7'th day Adventist? I knew it had to be yet another sad case of the "good lord" at work. And then I read the article. Will of God this, blessed that. Hmm... yeah. I was sooo way off. *eyeroll*

When door knocking fails, you gotta make your own recruits, I guess.

Disgusting that they've gotten so much exposure.
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Dear Mr. Duggar! I have important news for you! You know all those little angels you have? Well, they're not being sent by God as you suppose. They are arriving because you keep putting your noodle in Mrs. Duggar!

And now that you know this, you can take some control!
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what a disgusting den of rabbits.

I wonder how mrs duggar stays attractive enough in mr. duggar's eyes to keep making them, I'd imagine that body is quite beat up from all those babies. A fundamentalist freak show.
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“Ten Great Reasons To Have Another Child”
1. Have another child to join with God in the creation of an immortal soul.

Assuming the brat joins with God after death.

2. Have another child to bring joy into your life.

As long as the kid isn't a little hellion that makes you wish you'd never spread your legs.

3. Have another child to grown in holiness and virtue.

See #2.

4. Have another child to help end abortion.

Not getting pregnant in the first place would help "end abortion".

5. A) Have another child so your sons will have brothers and your daughters will have sisters/B) Have another child so your sons will have sisters and your daughters will have brothers.

Because sibling rivalry doesn't exist...?

6. Have another child so you (and your parents) won’t be lonely in old age.

They didn't get any quality one-on-one time with you when they were kids... and you think they're going to stick around when you're old and drooling?

7. Have another child because people are our greatest resource.

I thought it was oil.

8. Have another child to contribute to the economy.

Adopting a child would have the same effect, especially if they would have otherwise ended up in the welfare system.

9. Have another child to counter global depopulation.


10. Have another child to help populate heaven.

That's assuming your kid ends up in heaven.
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I will never watch the Today show again. I was so disgusted that they continue to glorify this family. I used to work in social services and there are so many children that need loving homes- to continue to breed for your own selfish reasons is incomprehensible to me. I've read that the family defends their position by saying it is God's work and God's will. I have also read other religious scholars that say they are twisting the bible and God's word to justify their actions. This is emotional abuse plain and simple. A mother and father can not possible have enought time in a day to give 18 children the love and attention they deserve. Just because you CAN have 18 children does not mean you SHOULD. Very very upsetting. I am glad I found a website with like minded views!
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I've heard of animal hoarding. It's a psychological issue. I wonder if you can have the same thing with kids? Although, in this case, it seems to be simple religious brainwashing.
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Yes hoarding is what I have thought about this since oh they had a mere 12 children. Coming from a family of 6 there is NO WAY to give the kids the attention they deserve as human beings. Raised among lots of large families and equal and fair and needed attention just DOESN'T HAPPEN!

The mom has said on tv that the kids are asigned to younger ones to raise them so popping them out to raise each other seems rather backwards. Maybe if she'd stopped at 2 or 3 she could actually handle raising them not just outplacing them to the others (as though thay have meaningful futures anyway ha ha). She runs the home like a hotel clerk and if there's a paper out of place you know those kids pay dearly off camera.

Can the parents name their kids' best friends or colors or bedtime stories or favorite silly rhymes? I seriously doubt it. They have just enough time to recall the newest one's name when they crank out another.


Signing up for mommy time? Excuse me? Isn't that a lifetime free pass you're issued when you're conceived?

Just stop already! You're not a hero. You are a walking clown car (LOVE THAT REFERENCE!)
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I can't understand the unbridled hatred for this family. The hatred for children and families and different beliefs and southern states is... interesting. I think the Duggars may have the last laugh, though.
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There's an awful lot of assumption of "hatred" because someone doesn't agree with this family's beliefs. I don't hate them. I think it's completely irresponsible and ridiculously wasteful. The world doesn't need more people. If they want to take care of children, and be good christians, what about adoption? How many hundreds of thousands of children are starving?
And no matter what you say, it is not right to have kids so you have someone to take care of the other kids you keep popping out. Breeding your own servants, what?
At Chad: and who pays the taxes so the government can support them? EVERYONE ELSE.
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Yes, not hateful, but this is sick.

I knew a fellow who came from a family of 16 kids. It was more common in rural areas, where they needed children to work the farm.

I think it's a little selfish, and it shows a lack of self-control. They obviously don't believe in birth control, which is sad.

Interesting how the one daughter has a career goal of "midwife".
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I am disturbed by the indiscriminate breeding of the Duggar family. As to their finances, I must be the only one who watched as one of those "Extreme Makeover" shows built them a new house and stocked it, or was stunned by Discovery Channel buying them new vehicles and sending them on vacations. I have four children; we are a blended family. It is hard enough to make ends meet. I can't imagine adding fouteen more to the mix.

Just because you are able to make a child doesn't mean you should. There are thousands of children in need of loving homes in orphanages or foster care across the United States. Give them a chance, they need love just as much as any dropping from the baby-mill uterus of Mrs. Duggar.
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I wonder if the reaction would be the same if the family were first- and second-generation immigrants from some country or another in Africa. After all, you'd expect them to have some strange customs, which would likely be tolerated to a greater degree in the name of cultural sensitivity.
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i can't believe the five or so people on here *supporting* these people. are you serious? these kids are homeschooled. think about it. there are, let's say, 15 children of age to go to school. do any of these "i can't believe how mean you guys are" commenters actually think that this mother can teach school to fifteen kids ranging in grade level from kindergarten to 12th grade? do you actually think that this mother and father are raising these children?
NO! the burden rests on the older children! hell, the mother herself simperingly admits that each older child is "responsible" for another!! there is no justifying this behavior. in my opinion, she and her husband should be jailed for child neglect. if she had that many dogs or cats, they would have been seized, most likely.
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oh god make them stop, i feel sick to my stomach. everyone please stop watching the show, you're only encouraging them to breed more.

p.s. where does the guy get the money to support that many mouths anyway?
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There are already more than enough people on earth, and thousands of teens who will age out of foster care having *never* found a stable family to be a part of. I am pro-choice, but just because I support the Duggars' right to choice does not mean I think they are making the right one. I still wonder why people like this - who want lots and lots of babies - do not more often choose to adopt or provide long-term foster care, as well? A child who *already exists* needs to be loved as well, and especially as the Duggars proclaim their debt-free status very often... you would not think it would be a financial strain on them, as it might be on others.
On the topic of foster care, I would just like to point out that giving birth to 18 children does not make the Duggars "America's largest family". There are plenty of people in the United States who have adopted 20+ children out of foster care, or, if they are not the legal parents of that many children, still CARE for that number. (Do not know if there are any families that have adopted 20+ internationally, or closed adoption at the child's birth.)
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I didn't read anything about any of the kids in Juvvie nor did it mention any in drug rehab or in remand - I'd say leave them alone. They have to be doing something right.
IN countries like USA and Canada with rapidly aging populations someone needs to pick up the slack. Just a few generations ago nobody would have even commented on such a large family - it was the norm.
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Curious how many people are quick to express their opinions as to the meaning of right and wrong. Apparently their opinions are 'right' and the Duggars are 'wrong.'

For the pathetically curious among you, Jim Duggar is a real estate agent and former state legislator. The family lives DEBT FREE as a result of careful planning and thoughtful management of their resources. They do not buy anything on credit.

The Duggars also planned and built their own home as a family.

For the pathetically shallow among you, Jim Duggar finds his wife attractive and desirable, even after 17 children, because (a) she is and (b) he understands the meaning of LOVE. Look it up. It is spelled l.o.v.e. not l.u.s.t. Lust will not last without being founded on love: think friendship that has caught fire. Obviously, it is not a state of being that you will ever experience, based on your current level of maturity -- or rather, the lack thereof.

Yes, the children are home schooled. Guess what? They are not likely to join gangs, are not likely to come home with an STD and not likely to participate in the drug culture. Each of them has an outstanding GPA, and will likely be active, productive adults and genuine assets to their communities. Best of all, you will not hear a Duggar child or adult belittle another human being or way of life. Again, that is a state of being to which most of you can only aspire.

Get a life, people. The Duggars are not breathing your air, taking your jobs or affecting your life in any way, shape or form. They are an independent, self-supporting, intelligent and cohesive unit. You would do well to take notes.

If you still feel the need to kvetch, look up the statistics on tuberculosis as it relates to illegal immigration.
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I spoke out against mean-spirited and prejudicial comments posted about the Duggar family. Not one of those posting KNOW the Duggars yet all felt qualified to judge them. Why do you suppose that happens?

It could be that people tend to think with their emotions instead of their brain. Trouble is, emotions change. They are meant to add a colorful dimension to your daily experiences, not handle critical thought processes.

When thinking with emotions like hatred and fear, prejudice will be the only result. By definition, prejudice can only harm. It cannot uplift. It cannot inspire. It cannot heal.

Now do you understand?

As for your £5, sorry! You're wrong on all counts. That's another consequence of prejudice.
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Well i just happened to know them , i live a few minutes from them here in NWA ...
The one thing that bothers some folk here , and me too,its the fact that they are aided by all kinds of help and Corps and Church and FS are paying for their support.
He has nothing better to do than screw the wife 24/7 (as he has ,from vehicles to a huge free house and tons of free food and clothes ) and get the Family bigger, the bigger ,the better the presents are.

Even the vacations are free,Disney last year sprung for a World Disney vacation all expenses paid, and all in style with limos and all.

All i say it`s that there are tons of people in here,AR that can use that help, but since they might be only 2-3 children to a single mom,screw them, let give it to the freaks so he can have more time to screw the wife and bless us all with more Duggars.....
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I didn't nor read the whole post before i added mine, so i will add something to the post in regards of the comments added by a shield named navy 4 ....

I just happened to know the Duggars well,I know Jim and Mary the paternal Grand Fathers and know exactly how they build their house, and how they purchased their travel van, how they paid for their food and how they buy clothes...all FREE!!!!!!!

Yes his dad old Jim has a RS agency and yes he run for Office,but they are not well off, and they never where well off, they were middle if that,not piss poor not rich ,middle class.

I know who gives them help , and its not peanuts they get LOTS OF FREE money, food, clothes vacations, cars etc,now they will get a lot of money for their tv show, all for what?? because they are freaks????? .

yes let us celebrate the fact that :

I find my wife attractive after 23 years of marriage, and you don't find me, or others that find their wives attractive , getting them prego every time they have sex....WTF?

yes they are debt free, thanx to his hard work.......



screwing her every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'm sooo excited for them! They are obeying God "Be fruitful and multiply". God didn't say ya'll just have 1 kid and if you ever feel like another then its up to you. I don't have any kids yet (I'm only 20) but I hope God blesses me with that many or how ever many He wants me to have. The only reason ya'll are calling them crazy, is b/c ya'll are jealous that they have that many kids and there all happy. I know they are for a fact b/c I know several people who know them. And probably b/c you don't have a close relationship with the one and only Jesus Christ. And if you do then you know you should do what He says, not tell him what to do!
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And if this family weren't Christian's then no one say anything! They would say oh, thats great if they want that many kids good for them. But because there doing whats right in God's eyes, its wrong in the worlds eyes.

"If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you". John 15:19
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Its so un-natural. Years ago large families were needed to help out on the farm. It was accepted. But these folks are strange. The way they dress-they kinda look like a little "cult". Its hard enough to take care of several and devote time to them, I cant imagine life with this brood. Well one things for sure-they're going to grow up well adjusted or crazy. We'll have to wait and see....
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Wow- get lives for yourselves!haven't you got anything better to do than moan about others peoples choices-you'd think this family were going out killing people instead of loving children.
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After reading some of the comments that have been posted, all that I can say is that at least they are responsible adults who are living debt free, and with no help from the government. If you are truly a friend or know the duggars you would see them as loving, honest, and very caring parents. Haven been an adoptive child myself, I know of the need for adoptions but why criticize them for choosing to have their own children. It seems to me that instead of being mean and hateful towards the duggars worry about other things that are wrong in your own life or lack of life that you may have. And remember that the kids are being taught how to play the violin and the piano, homed schooled, and second languages so they're going to be not depending on the government for support in their adult lives and oh yeah... they'll be smarter than you'll ever be. That is good.
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Looking at all of these coments i am in shock. These people are teaching their kids to not do drugs, not to get pregnant at 14, or 15 etc, to work hard and to love one another. I am disgusted by the parents who put their teenage daughter on birth control so they don't get pregnant, believe it or not this is just a free pass saying its ok to have sex as long as you are on birth control. I don't see any of these kids pregnanat do you? They are teaching their kids moral values. I am so sick of seeing spoiled kids, back talking, cussing their parents and taking everything for granted. Those kids just grow up never being satisfied because they are always going to want more. I am so sick of not seeing kids working for what they want. I remember having to do chores, my brothers did the yard work and me and my sisters did the house work. Whats wrong with that? You people are so quick to judge someone but what you need to do is look at your own lives and your own children and start practicing what you preach.

What we need to do is to teach our own kids morals and abstinence because its the teen age girls who can't get a job but can have a child that are using our tax dollars not this family. That is why there are so many babies up for adoption is because there are babies making babies.
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I think the kids look & act like little robots.By dressing the way they do,they have no individualities.You can't tell one from the other.I can understand a little discipline & self control but cripes!They don't even have closets of they're own!All they older ones get to do is take care of the younger ones,do 'chores' & go to home school.What a life.What if one wanted to 'heaven forbid' TV or listen to something other than church music.I came from a family of 9 but we weren't waiting in line to get attention from mom!!.I'm glad I grew up in the 60's and led a fun life & was encouraged to be 'myself'!!!I also went to church & care about others but this is going to far.
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I dont understand why all the nasty comments? They are only following what is in the Bible. Financially and otherwise it isnt for everyone but their kids are well behaved, smart, talented and brought up with values. They watch very little tv, internet is monitored. Some of you with kids on myspace with slutty pics and comments should take some hints from them.
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I can't believe this family.. It makes me sick. They really don't care about there kids.. it's all about how many they can have! I'm from a large family, the oldest, and I'm telling you, you have no life... it's all about the younger kids... you'll do anything to escape. It's depressing... I had a friend who was part of a large family, she was a really good kid but she just snapped. She moved in with her bf to get away, got married, had a kid, all before 21... Sad... really sad...
Ms. Duggar obviously has a disorder. I think she finds all her value in having kids. What's she going to do when she hits menopause? It's sad, she needs therapy.
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I learned that Quiverfull means "no birth control of ANY kind." I don't agree with the concept of humans being expected to be nothing but "baby-making machines", and MOST parents can't raise so many children at once.

While Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar love their children, I find it hard to believe that "child-friendly TV" is NOT part of their lives, and they have to wait in line for "Mommy time"!

I even found a website for large families:

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CONGRATULATIONS DUGGARS! wow... strong opinions about complete strangers. It's fine as long as they are not using tax payer dollars to support their 18 children. Which they are not.
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I am so surprised at all these rude comments. Yes, in some respects it may be hard to come from a large family, but I'm the oldest of 6 and absolutely loved it. My siblings are my best friends. I'm sure they have their difficulties like any family, but they really seem to have it together. There kids are well cared for and healthy and their parents obviously love them more than anything. I think it's great that they are having more kids because you can tell these kids are going to grow up and be great contributors to our society, unlike many people I've met who can't even seem to give their time an attention to the one or two children they've been given. Also, how great is it that these kids have 2 parents who love each other and obviously have a strong marriage and who are totally dedicated to their children. I wish more people were like them - so dedicated to each other and to their children.
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i think it is wonderful that they have been together so many years and still find each other atractive like that at least they arent divorced. you go girl i believe that the lord has a purpose for us all and in him you will find joy so if the lord wants to bless then let him there is a verse in psalms that talks about a man that has his quiver full is blessed so what business is it of any ones if they have 50 kids its not you so but out
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It is so crazy, having all these kids. These posters are right, watching shows like this and the Gosselins only put more money into their pockets. I know a lady who watches this show and this is the nuttiest thing I have ever seen. That lady's body must be in horrible shape by now, you wonder if she knows what it's like not to be pregnant anymore. I would have stopped him long long ago already. Adopt some kids who are needy, like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt do.
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I already wrote on a site like this but forgot one thing...why the hell are they not allowed to DANCE!!???? I mean, is Kevin Bacon right around the corner...are they afraid that the kids are going to go all crazy and Footloose!! I'm half Armenian and technically Armenia was the first country to be baptized as Christian...and dance is such an important part of our celebrations. How sad that Josh and Anna didn't have ANY celecration dances at their wedding. I've never met anyone in this day and age with such odd values. Part of me likes them because they seem like nice people, yet I also am really creeped out by them. I had a friend who was raised by born agains and he used to be as gung ho as the Duggars...then he experianced say, ten minutes of the world without his family and he ended up a total sloppy drunk living in East LA, overdosing on huffing computer cleaner...I just don't think they should think of themselves as so invulnerable to the ills of this world. It's as though they are aliens in their own weirdo little Duggar - verse. We are all just stars surrounding their little planet...hehehe...oh, btw...the clown cars' tires went flat long ago, the doors are being held on by string and springs have popped up through the seats...but I guess the engine is holding up...for now....
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I can fully understand these comments of rage because this Family:
1. Takes no government assistance
2. Has a family first mentality
3. Has a strong work ethnic
4. Owns their own business
5. Owns their own mortgage
6. Has no debt
7. Encourages the arts (instrumental music)
8. Is one of tens of thousands who homeschool
9. Is neat and clean

This family surely is very different from many who have posted here.............

Just a few reasons why
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WOW I am amazed at how much hatred there is toward this family. For those who are so hateful, Have you ever seen this family in action. It makes me jealous. I wish I had a life like theirs. Did you know they are completly debt free! And with all those kids that is AMAZING. They are wonderful parents. You can see their love for each and every one of the kids. They are good christians and loving caring prents and also good members of society. Their children are lucky to have been born to such wonderful people.
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For all of you who had negative comments about this family. It is unbelievable how ignorant you are. You don't even know what you have lost by being indoctrinated by the socialistic constructs in our country. Families used to be more like this one. They learned how to be independent from society, the government or social programs. They used to have a rich legacy of cooperation and knowledge to personally pass on to their children, which they were able to do because they had large families with a family-centric approach.

YOU, on the other hand, were lured away from the farms by the promise of a shiny metallic future where you will never get bored. The education you people have received has succeeded in making you believe it is better for us all to think like individual units and contribute our efforts to some socialistic concept of a grand society where survival depends on the individual finding his place in the great machine. And if you have kids this requires you to be separate from them most of the time, thereby forcing you to trust someone else to raise them and teach them about life. Now both mother and father have to spend most of the time away from home and family just to make ends meet. You are plugged in to the machine but, you are so disconnected. You are so totally dependent on the system that if it broke down, you could not provide for your own survival through family cooperation in a family like The Duggars. Your ignorance is reveals itself in your comments that a large family would have to get financial help from somewhere else. You are not aware of any other way they could pull it off. You have no clue what could be accomplished by a large family in cooperation because you have been given a limited education which emphasizes dependence on societal systems instead of family structure. Your ignorance is paving the way to an Orwellian future. In a severe world crisis I would bet my money on this family over any of you who are dependent on conventional means.
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My Grandmother and Grandfather lived in Glidden, Iowa, and had 20 children, 12 boys and 8 girls,(all single births, no twins). My Dad was number 17. They all lived to celebrate my Grandparents 50th wedding anniversay. I have copies of their 25th, 35th and 50th anniversary family pictures. We celebrate with a family reunion every July, in Newell, Iowa.
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Large families were fine in years gone by when the world had less people. Now it seems to be a little too 'self-indulging' to have so many children in today's world. Parents cannot possible give each child enough individual attention ... that is probably handed over to the elder children to look after and entertain the younger ones.
Probably the parents would be too busy locked in their room trying for child number umpteen.
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I cannot believe that so many here have both short memories and also so little flexability inside themselves to allow for the possibility that the Duggers are fine. My maternal grandparents had 11 children and my paternal grandparents had 13. My parents had 3. In fact none of my parents generation with in my family had over 5 children. Yet all of us are aware of the wealth our grandparents bestowed upon us in the form of a huge family. There was always someone to go to if you needed help and someone to talk with if you wanted and family reunions are a blast. You people here who are doing so much hating are really the sad ones. I truly feel sorry for you all in your inability to get past your fear of someone who is different than what you are used to. There is no need to demonize them out of your fear.
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i for one love the duggars, they are a remarkable family, 19 children and there all loved and cared for and well looked after, i have 14 children and i spend time with each one of them they dont want nor need for nothing, this world needs more larger families, more family unity and friendship! so before knocking down the duggars , take a good look at your own defects of characters! no ones perfect but all are loved!
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