Fun video. I guess that shreds the old myth about one leg at a time. At the first part of the video, where the guy jumps from the second floor, you can tell he is in pain.
The one where the guy goes "up" the garbage and over the fence: I saw that on a cop show. Police were in pursuit of a "man in boxers". Seconds into the pursuit, cops in the alley did not encounter any such man, just a group of "guys in jeans". The suspect got away. Skilz, yo. ;-)
Sorta cool. But the back flip one could hardly miss since the jeans looked to be 5 sizes bigger than what he'd actually wear. You notice they didn't show him zipping/buttoning those up.
It is a Jeans commercial. A Viral ad for Levi's.
Watch this video:
Pretty strange coincidence that they are exactly the same. And this was already outed as a viral ad for ray ban.