Photo: Brian Klaus
Cigarette smoking may be bad for your health, but it's great for the wildlife! Brian Klaus of Nothing Else Better To Do Than Read This Blog wrote:
I opened the door and went onto the patio to ask Gabriel what he wanted. I haven't been out on this patio since I quit smoking (I would never smoke in the house). I guess I prefer my patio on the ground.
Now here's the embarrassing part. I used to dump my ash tray into a trash can that was on the patio. I guess since I haven't been on the patio in so long I've forgotten to empty the trash can which is filled about 2/5's of the way up with cigarette butts. Pretty gross, I know. I'm a slob, I admit it.
Just as I was about to shout down to Gabriel I noticed the trash can and a bird that made it's nest inside of it!! I can't tell if there's eggs in the nest of butts and twigs that the bird had made for itself, but I don't have the heart to chase the bird away.
Link | And as you can see above, the first egg hatched! - Thanks Brian!
This person doesn't have the heart to chase it away? Let's see...what hundreds of chemicals have seeped into the POROUS surface of the eggs, possibly mutating, killing or at very least, making the babies and the mama and papa sick? And if any babies survive, how will that affect their babies (if they aren't barren) or animals that may eat them?
I heard he's going to cook the birds once they hatch! He'll feast on their blood like a vampire. Sick, I know! What's wrong with these people?!?
In years past I have cleaned bird nests out of one of our gutters that did not drain correctly.
In them have been literally hundreds (or so it seemed) of the narrow cellophane strips produced when a softpack of smokes is opened. For some reason the birds seemed to like them for nest-building material.
In recent years the number of 'strips' in the nests I have found has been far less. Perhaps that is an indirect indicator of the success of 'no smoking' campaigns.
Or it could just be the convenience store near us has also been closed for those same years. I can just see the frantic smokers walking out of the store ripping their pack of smokes open to get their next fix.
You can soak cig butts in water and make a plant spray to keep aphids off of your roses. That's what my grandpa used to do and it works great.
Birds arent dumb... you are dumb... a bird wouldnt build its nest in a vat of toxic waste so why would it build its nest in butts if they were toxic. those butts are so old and the chemicals left in them (if any at all) are not cancer causing chemicals and they wouldnt leech through a birds nest into an egg! you speak of butts as if they contain evil spirits that take over birds bodies. where do you get your information? pastor bob!? get over yourselves! you act as if smoking is comparable to radiation contamination from a nuclear bomb. are you aware that the vehicle you drive to work puts out a higher volume of toxins than a smoker could produce in a whole year of smoking just on your drive to work? no i didnt think so. and i bet your a republican. so next time you even ponder heckling a smoker ponder this... how would you feel if someone heckled you for driving a car... or even worse for being fat... if you can walk up to a smoker and say ew gross that will kill you... why wouldnt you walk up to a fat person with a twinkie and say ewwww gross your killing yourself! you wouldnt because it would be rude, so is heckling smokers. so get your facts straight or shut up.
Also there are over 4000 chemicals in a cig and guess what, they are still in the filter (thats the point of the trap the chemicals, which btw are added to cigs to make them more addictive.)
Lastly people always try to use alcohol or fat to somehow try to justify their smoking habits, but the reason why smoking is different from these things is because tobacco is the only product that when used as directed will kill you. If you drink/eat in moderation or as intended it will not kill you, but smoking will.
Now in saying all this I do not look down upon people who smoke, I believe it is your choice. However, I do not like litter and cig butts are a major source of litter which when ingested by wildlife is lethal.
You just gave an innocent bird a heart attack. Nice going, bird killer.