DWD (Driving With Dog) Soon to be Illegal

Attention dog lovers! if Assemblyman Bill Maze of California succeeds, pretty soon you won't be able to drive with your pets on your lap anymore:

A California lawmaker wants to ban motorists from holding pets on their laps while driving. Getting caught could net a $35 fine.

Assemblyman Bill Maze said his legislation has nothing to do with pet-loving celebrities who are photographed driving around Los Angeles with their small dogs.

Maze said he introduced the bill after seeing a woman driving with three dogs on her lap.


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i have been pulled over for having my puppy on my lap while driving. i was told then it was illegal. i agree with this. you should not drive with a dog on your lap. in an emergency it could make it worse.
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here's what i say.. DON'T DRIVE WITH YOUR PET IN THE CAR! yes i know, you have to transport them somehow, that's why there's this amazing invention called a carrier that you can put your pet in while you drive. it's completely safe because it should fit the size of your animal, AND it illeviates the need for you to hold your pet in place.

DUH DUH DUH DUH DER DER DER DUMB DUMB people. they need to stop making laws that ban stupid stuff like this. a universal rule because of the stupid will threaten the rights of the smart. stop stupidity at the source, not after the fact. yes, i understand these wreckless drivers are a danger to other people on the road as well, but we need to keep THEM off the road. not everyone else because of them. laws are just an easy-way-out and don't really cost that much money. TEACHING people to behave correctly takes time, effort, and lots of money. hence why we have too many frivolous laws and still maintain an ignorant society.
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(Paul Simon)
Allergies to dust and grain
Still these allergies remain
My hand can't touch a guitar string
My fingers just burn and ache
My head intercedes with my bodily needs
And my body won't give it a break
My heart can stand a disaster
My heart can take a disgrace
But my heart is allergic
To the women I love
And it's changing the shape of my face
Something's living on my skin
Doctor please
Doctor please
Open up it's me again
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