Californians who converted their cars to run on vegetable oil pride themselves for saving gas money, as well as promoting alternative or "greener" fuels. Unfortunately, they are also learning that no good deeds go unpunished, especially by the gub'ment:
(Photo: Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times)Dave Eck, a Half Moon Bay mechanic, had attracted a media spotlight with his fleet of vehicles fueled by used fryer grease from a local chowder house. So when Sacramento called, he figured officials wanted advice on promoting alternative fuels.
Not at all. The government rang to notify Eck that he was a tax cheat. He was scolded for failing to get a "diesel fuel supplier's license," reporting quarterly how many gallons of grease he burns, and paying a tax on each gallon. [...] The state offered Eck only a potentially large fine -- and not just for failing to pay taxes. He can also get in trouble for carting kitchen grease away from eateries without a license from the state Meat and Poultry Inspection Branch.
Or for not having at least $1 million in liability insurance, in case he spills some of the stuff. Or for not getting permission from the state Air Resources Board to burn fat in the first place.
The regulations are so burdensome that even Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, trying to set an example for Californians by driving a Hummer that burns cooking oil he buys at Costco, had not complied.
Comments (22)
We are ready at Lubbock Lubricant.
I thought the purpose of these boards was to comment on the subject(s) of the article and not to launch personal attacks on other posters.
While I, like everyone else, am quite capable of engaging in the latter, I think most people find it infantile.
Just pay the road use tax like everyone else.
I really am regularly left amazed at the things you post.
It seems that unless a peson is gargling the blood of unicorns from the scooped out skull of Fidel Castro whilst revving the biggest and dirtiest engine in the world they are Communists to you.
I just don't understand how you can reach the key board, as your feet are so far out of contact with terra firma.