Archive for April 2008

$80 Billion Dam for the Congo

A proposed hydroelectric dam on the Congo River in the Democratic Republic of Congo could double the electricity available in all of Africa and bring power to hundreds of millions of people. Representatives from seven Af...

Caption Monkey 27: Funny Cat

Photo: ehpien [Flickr]Hooray! It's time for the weekly Neatorama and Hobotopia's Caption Monkey game! Your task - should you accept it - is to caption this great photo of a cute cat!Funniest caption wins a free copy of *...

10 Best "Robbery Gone Wrong" Movie Scenes

In movies, as in life, things often don't go as planned. And when plans go awry during film robberies, things can quickly spiral out of control. The folks at Always Watching blog have a list of 10 scenes from botched mov...

Darth Goes For the Brew: a Star Wars / Murakami / Beer Ad Mash Up

Jeff Simmermon of And I Am Not Lying for Real blog saw this Star Wars ad on the subway that someone had "mashed up" with bits and pieces from a beer ad and a poster for a Takashi Murakami exhibit:T...

Bike Storage Tower in Tokyo, Japan

Parking your bike in Tokyo, Japan is so high tech! Check out this automated bicycle parking tower (capacity 9,400 bicycles) : Hit play or go to Link [YouTube, in Japanese but you'll get the idea] - via treehugger, *e...

CNN Headline Shirts

CNN is now selling t-shirts with their headlines on them. As of right now, it’s pretty simple to make up your own headline. They’ll probably get that fixed pretty soon. Link to CNN store. Link to this shirt. Link t...

Best Bed Sheet and Pillow Case EVAR!

Photo: Crys [Flickr]When Alice Taylor of the wonderful Wonderland Blog visited her in-laws, she was greeted by the best bed linen evar: ET bed sheet with Star Wars pillow case! Link...

Trivia: Origin of the Class Ring

The tradition of the class ring began in 1835 at West Point.Members of the United States Military Academy at West Point class of 1835 designed their own rings, which were purchased privately and made to order for the ind...

Top Secret Military Black Programs Have Spiffy Patches!

Many military programs are "black" or so top secret that they appear only as a single line item in the Department of Defense's expense report. But just because they're secret, it doesn't mean that they are with...

What a Difference Eyeglasses Make ...

Bespectacled four-eyes take heart! Here's a clever print ad for Oogmerk opticians in Belgium by LG&F ad agency reminding you that sometimes four eyes are better than two!More at AdFreak: Link...

Really Weird Japanese Shadow Pictures from the Edo Period

We all know that the Japanese can be weird sometimes. Really weird. Well, it turns out that their craziness is not a modern phenomenon - it's been around since at least the feudal period! Consider this: the Kage-e or sha...

Christiaan Postma's Clock

That gibberish on a blackboard is actually a clock, made by Dutch industrial designer Christiaan Postma. He used over 150 individual clock mechanism to spell out the hour!Link - via CrunchGearTo get a full appreciation o...

Quote: Mark Twain on Education

"Education: the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty." - Mark Twain, writer and humorist...

Neatorama on The Troll Show

W00t! The good folks at The Troll Show (Real News. By Real Trolls. Real Fast!) made a special clip just for Neatorama. It's about this story of a Wal-Mart employee that went berserk ... with a price gun! Hit play or go t...

Subnormality Web Comic

If you like your web comic funny with a hip and wry edge, then head on over to Winston Rowntree's (almost certainly not his real name!) Subnormality.I spent half the morning perusing the archive (don't miss: The...

The Internet Popularity Quiz

In today’s lunchtime quiz from mental_floss, you are to decide which website of a pair is more popular, according to Alexa rankings. I scored 80%, only missing the subjects that are outside my areas of interest, but...

33 Lego Creations

This Lego recreation of Mount Rushmore is not full size. Of course not! But its pretty big. This is just one of the the wonderful Lego sculptures featured in the list 33 Of The Most Intricate & Realistic Lego Creations...

What Would Your Dream Job Be?

The Big Fat QuizDesign ArtsIncludes: - fashion design - photography, painting, objective arts - media design - drawing and illustration - interior design and decorating - culinary arts You are an imaginat...

Suffrage Slapstick

(YouTube link) In this silent film from 1899, two ladies (male actors play the parts) are engaged in some sort of excited exchange when two men play a trick on them. From the YouTube page: The film doesn't make...

The Films of Joel and Ethan Coen: A Mashup

Those of you who are huge Coen brothers fans like me know that despite being set in a variety of outlandish places (e.g. Arizona in "Raising Arizona", L.A. in "Barton Fink," Brainerd in "Fargo") a lot of their films...

Operation Pastorius

You might not know that German spies landed on the East Coast of the US during World War II. The group of eight men were neither talented as spies nor committed to the Third Reich. All of their actions were either in dir...

Trivia: Charlie Chaplin Entered a Chaplin Look-Alike Contest ... and Lost!

Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest, and lost! He didn't even make it to the finals.In 1915, "Chaplinitis" swept across America and Charlie Chaplin look-alike contests became popul...

WordPress 2.5 Admin Backend Category Shenanigans and How To Fix It

If your blog is on a WordPress platform, then you know that the new 2.5 version is out. While it's always a good idea to update the software for security reasons, upgrading always comes with a bit of anxiety. Plug-ins wi...

Scientists Are "Barcoding" Fish

Tired of having to identify new species of fish the old fashioned way - by looking at it - scientists are trying a new method of taxonomy: barcoding them!Okay, okay - I was being cheeky. But this is actually quite cool:...

My Beautiful Mommy: Children's Book About Plastic Surgery

Florida plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer saw an unfulfilled niche and decided to do something about it: he wrote a children's book about mommy's plastic surgery!"My Beautiful Mommy," written by Florida...

The Many Moves of Japanese Pro Wrestler Takuya Sugi

Takuya Sugi, Photo: Zedi [wikipedia]Takuya Sugi is one badass Japanese Pro Wrestler. Actually, the entire Japanese Pro Wrestling scene is much better than the American counterpart (and perhaps the Mexican lucha libre - w...

Dennis the Menace as the Fantastic Four by DocShaner

deviantArt member DocShaner, who drew "Charles Schulz's Watchmen," has done it again! this time, he re-imagined Hank Ketcham's Dennis the Menace as the Fantastic Four:

Speed Racer Trailers

Good news, Chim-Chim! There are now 4 trailers for the new Speed Racer movie coming this May. You can view 'em all at the movie's website: Link - via Always WatchingNow, every time I think of Speed Racer, I can't help bu...

Savage Chicken: Do You Know What a Bat'leth Is?

Savage Chicken: Trekkie1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes! According to Klingon lore, the first Bat'leth was forged around 625 AD by Kahless, who "dropped a lock of his hair into the lava from the Kri'stak Volcano, then plunged th...

Schizophrenia is Linked to Pre-Natal Flu

A new study by scientists at Columbia University confirmed a link between pre-natal influenza infection and schizophrenia:One percent of the world’s population suffers from its symptoms of hallucinations, psych...


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