Archive for April 30th, 2008

Man Tried to Cash Check for $360 Billion

We've featured many stupid criminals on Neatorama, but I think this guy may just be the dumbest one yet. Meet Charles Ray Fuller, who was arrested for forgery when he tried to pass a check for ... $360 billion! (Yes, tha...

Colossal Squid at Te Papa Museum in New Zealand

Photo: Te Papa BlogThat's Dr. Steve O'Shea and Dr. Tsunemi Kubodera of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa in Wellington, preparing to preserve their colossal squid specimen, caught in the Ross Sea in February 20...

Rally Trouble - Ayayay!

This particular spot seems to be really great for the spectators and really bad for the rally car drivers! After watching this, I just had to say "ayayay" at everything that went wrong today! Hit play or go to Lin...


100 pictures, arranged in a 10x10 grid, showing the biggest news stories of the hour. Each hour is presented as a picture postcard window, composed of 100 different frames, each of which holds the image of a singl...

First Drawing of Spider-Man Now at Library of Congress

The Library of Congress had just acquired the original 1962 drawings from Stan Lee and Steve Ditko's "Amazing Fantasy #15" - complete with Ditko's pencil erasures and white-out opaquing fluid - in which Spider-...

Coffin Couches

The guys at sells sofas made from recycled coffins (coffins that are not used for burial because of cosmetic defects):Our niche happens to be 18 gauge steel coffins which we collected from local fun...

Honesty is the best policy

I found this great R-rated video on the Runaway Box site responsible for the Ewok song/video in the previous Neatorama post. Don't click if you don't want to hear about some of the smoothest and most honest love-makin...

In Praise of Ewoks

(YouTube link) From Runaway Box, who brought you the One Semester of Spanish Love Song. Lyrics are available at the YouTube link. -via Digg...

Siobhán's Miracle

Eight years ago, Siobhán Kilfeather, who was suffering from a deadly cancer, went to Lourdes to pray to the Virgin Mary not for survival, but for more time to allow her young children to remember her.When she retu...

Trivia: World's "Un-thirstiest" Animal

The water holding frog can go without a drink for a whole year. [YouTube Link]Thirsty? Consider this: when it rains in the arid floodplains of Australia, the water holding frog absorbs water through its skin and then bur...

Are Lice Art?

Are lice art? A group of young artists from Berlin think so - and they're willing to go the distance to prove it: by living in an Israeli museum for three weeks with lice in their hair!"The idea is that we live...

Pikesville Nighttime Explosion Mystery Solved

For years, neighbors in Pikesville, a suburb of Baltimore, Maryland, had been distrubed by a big boom and a flash of light in the middle of the night: "The bedroom actually lights up like day," says Elaine...

Quote: Paul Ehrlich on Computer

"To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer." - Paul Ehrlich, scientist and Nobel laureate - Thanks Fred!...

Scandal-gate Quiz

It’s 80s week for mental_floss’ lunchtime quizzes. Today’s quiz asks you to match 10 newsmakers with the scandal they were involved in. I scored 70%, because if I did one thing in the 80s, it was read the newspap...

Instructables Cake Contest

Instructables has 44 entries in their cake contest. Contestants were invited to focus on either tasty recipes or elaborate decoration. Voting is open until tomorrow, but you must register in order to vote. Even if you ca...

Caminito del Rey

This limestone gorge in the south of Spain, through which passes the Guadalhorce river, sits the Desfiladero de los Gaitanes pass that is 700m (2296 feet) high. Famous its very dangerous path, the Caminito del Rey i...

Escaped Flying Pig Recovered

A signature Pink Floyd giant inflatable pig escaped its tether and flew away during the Coachella music festival last weekend. Former Pink Floyd star Waters said "that's my pig" as it drifted away during Sunday's gi...

Chaos in the Print Shop

(YouTube link) This ad for Clustarack print shop racks would make Rube Goldberg proud! -via Metafilter...

The Poop Report Gives Back

The Poop Report is a blog of scatological humor, but this is a serious project where you can make a difference. Karanpur is a village in Uttar Pradesh, India with a school for 700 lower caste girls. The village has no pl...

Cthulhu Cake

Photo: raingirllori Flickr user raingirllori made a Cthulhu-themed cake: Here is Cthulhu rising from the oceans, using a convenient little island with a tower on it to climb up. The base was cherry-chip cake, t...

A Large-Hearted Gentleman

Jim Corbett was a renowned tiger hunter who was born in India in 1875. Through many amazing kills and several close calls, he developed a profound respect for the big cats, including maneaters. In a time when a hu...

Iron (Wo)Man Subway Ad and Other Mash Ups

Remember the Star Wars / Murakami / Beer Ad Mashup post on Neatorama before? Well, Jeff Simmermon of And I Am Not Lying For Real has more: Link - Thanks Jeff! Update 5/15/08: More subway poster ad remix here:...

Johan Lorbeer's Still Life Performance Rises Above All Else!

Photo: fotoburra [Flickr]That's Johan Lorbeer just hanging out and interacting with his viewers during his "Still Life Performance" (this particular pose is called "Tarzan" - don't ask us why ...). Is...

Yexel's Toy Museum: The Ultimate Toy Collection

Yexel of Las Pinas, the Philippines, is a hardcore toy collector. He has so many toys and statues of superheroes and other cartoon characters that he practically had to build his house around his collection!Here's an int...

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