16 Abandoned & Decaying Hotels From Around The World

It’s a pity that marvelous old architecture is left to rot, often due to lack of funds for repairs. But there’s beauty to be found in the ruins, as you’ll see in this collection of abandoned hotels from all over. The stories these walls could tell! Pictured is the Bokor Palace Hotel and Casino in Cambodia. Link -Thanks, Andy!

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Overlooking Barcelona, there's still some ruins of what was one of the most impressive resorts of the XXth century. The casino of La Rabassada had an amusement park and even a room where people could commit suicide discreetly after losing fortunes. It closed in 1930, but some of the structures -including a couple of tunnels of the old rollercoaster- still remain. However, most people around here haven't even heard about it. You can read more about the place(in Spanish) and see some pictures (old and new) here:

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"Bokor Palace Hotel and Casino, Cambodia"
Does this look like Stephan Kings Overlook Hotel in The Shining to anyone else?

"Hotel Fife, Scotland"

I was looking so hard for ghosts in the clip that when I saw actual living people I was briefly convinced they were ghosts!!
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There is something so intriguing and mysterious and beautiful about abandoned and decaying old buildings. Asylums, Hotels, Hospitals. I would love to explore and photograph these.
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Hmm... Guess it wasn't a hotel resort after all like our taxi driver said... Funny how fast those places can turn into twisted urban legends. Thanks again MC!
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THANK YOU Miss Cellania!!!

It's been bugging me for the last month! I'm forwarding the link to my dad, too. He's gonna be wicked excited to read about it :)
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