Those of us who have watched The Planet of the Apes are probably concerned about where this is going: a male orangutang was photographed on Borneo using a pole to try to spear fish in a river.
Image by Gerd Schuster et al and found at The Daily Mail.
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Image by Gerd Schuster et al and found at The Daily Mail.
Link via Ace
Cool though!
Will be impressed when he does AND fries it up with a lemon slice
and olive which case, he can be short order cook for me
He is trying to pole-vault over the river.
Only the gullible will believe this story.
Orangutans are thought to be the sole fruit disperser for some plant species including the climber species Strychnos ignatii which contains the toxic alkaloid strychnine.[13] It does not appear to have any effect on orangutans except for excessive saliva production.
I see no mention of fish, and the only mention of protein are bugs and bird eggs...
Travelina, I understand that we are discovering new and wonderful things about our fellow animals. I just have trouble believing this because of the source it came from. The Daily Mail as I understand it, is pretty tabloidy.