Real Sarah Marshalls Mad Over Movie Ads


A lot of people liked Judd Apatow's latest comedy "Forgetting Sarah Marshall," which billboards peppered many cities in the US with sayings like "YOU SUCK, SARAH MARSHALL" and "MY MOTHER ALWAYS HATED YOU, SARAH MARSHALL."

Needless to say, the real life Sarah Marshalls weren't amused:

one of the several thousand real life Sarah Marshall’s in the U.S., this one from Greenfield, Massachusetts, has been seriously irked. "I was shocked to see all the billboards and posters that hated against me and people with my name," she says. “It’s just so bizarre.”

To say the least. "My friends are kind of picking on me about it,” she says of the in-Sarah's-face promotion campaign for the Judd Apatow-produced comedy Forgetting Sarah Marshall [watch the movie trailer and see interviews with the film’s cast]. “I had a neighbor who said they saw all these 'I hate Sarah Marshall' signs, and I saw the TV commercials.” That’s when the snit hit the fan for this Sarah Marshall and she decided to mount her own campaign. Call it “the Marshall Plan.” She made her own sign. It said, “YOU SUCK JUDD APATOW.” (Source: Fancast by Quendrith Johnson, Photo: Sarah Marshall (duh!) at Fancast - Thanks Linnea!)

Another Sarah Marshall complains about the choice of words in the ads:

"When you're walking down the street, it gets a little wearing even though you know it's not you and has nothing to do with you," said Sarah Marshall, 34, who lives in Stuyvesant Town in Manhattan. "You see . . . words like 'hate' and 'suck' with your name over and over again. It just doesn't feel pleasant inside."

Her mother, 70, who has the same name, says she cannot wait until the movie debuts and the signs are taken down. "I'm very, very upset," the upper East Sider said. "I'm an old person. It's today's lingo and today's jargon but it's a little rough for my taste." (Source: NY Daily News article by Jessica Durando, Photo: Antonelli/News)

But not one particular Sarah Marshall was quite happy with all the attention: a professor of art at The University of Alabama, who owns, is thankful of the 20,000 people who have (mistakenly) visited her website since the movie was promoted.

Now, in her own "Marshall Plan," Sarah Marshall (the professor) is asking all Sarah Marshalls of the world to unite in respond to the ad campaign!

They may have taken this far, far too seriously. What happened to peoples ability to take a joke, to allow themselves to be the foil on occasion. It happens to every one once in a while, and the person who plays along is usually much better liked than the whiner.
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At first I thought this was a link to something on The Onion.

oh and it's Judd APATOW. If you are going to criticize someone, maybe you should get their name right...
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Okay, these Sarahs crying about their names being plastered on advertisements have got to be the biggest group of crybabies I've ever seen. Amusingly enough, I know a Sarah Marshall and she thinks the ad campaign was hysterical. These other Sarahs are using a poor reason to attention whore, by feigning a victim complex.
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Once might be funny. But to see it everywhere (and to have your friends keep rubbing it in) must be tiring. I can see their point. The people who can't are probably the same people who would enjoy this kind of movie.
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Get. The. F***. Over. It.

Seriously, Sarah Marshalls of the world. People with thought patterns like yours are the reason why there are disclaimers for every potentially "hurtful" or idiotic demonstrated in the media.
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my name is sarah marshall, and even though I can see where these other Sarah Marshalls are coming from, I wouldn't even think of making my own poster that says "you suck Judd Apataw". If her friends made her feel that bad about the posters, I guess maybe she should find some better friends. I know this is a joke and I found it rather amusing, and by the way, the movie was hysterical!
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That's funny, because without the comma, the signs are telling people they suck Judd Apatow.

I think I would have remembered doing that...
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Hi, just a note to say thanks for the mention of Fancast in your post. The real-life Sarah Marshall story is a cute one. And your readers may be interested in as a movie resource. In addition to fun features like this, we have some wonderful movies on the site, full-length and TOTALLY FREE. I've caught "Mullholland Drive" and "Sideways" so far, both of which I had missed when they were in the theaters. The movies are at
Jim (for Fancast).
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My name is Sarah Marshall and I live in Scotland so these posters are advertised here but I don't see why everyone is making a big fuss. It isn't real and obvously they're not for you (if your name is Sarah Marshall) They'll alll be taken down soon so I wouldn't worry. Just enjoy having your name put up everywhere! I would!
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