In this Flash comic "Piggy Bank Pinko", Captain Capitalism explains why it's bad - heck, down right communistic - to save money.
Kid: Captain Capitalism! Wow! What are you doing here?
Captain Capitalism: I think the better question, son, is just what do you think you're doing here?
Kid: Putting money in my piggybank ...
CC: Cripping our nation by stagnating the economy and throwing us into another recession is more like it, commie! | Check out more Captain Capitalism by Brad Graeber | Captain Capitalism Blog - Thanks Mangesh!
sad truth
and within that, what they're probably really saying is "Spend it all now before the dollar is worth less than toilet paper!"
A foolish notion. If you adjust for dollar values and inflation, gold values have remained relatively static. Only reason gold seems to valuable now is because the Dollar is so weak.