Kitty Rhythm

Just plain 'ol cat cuteness. Easy to to watch.

Link: YouTube

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Is it Lana or Elana?

You added your own words:

"and you’re never seen again. Kill yourself."

If you had left out that particular phrase, your comment would have been appropriate. Telling someone to kill themselves: inappropriate.

Never try to justify your own poor behaviour by pointing out someone else's poor behaviour.
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That comment was completely justified, why would you talk about throwing a cat in a river, what's wrong with you, which is exactly why I said what I did, all of a sudden me saying someone should throw HIM in the river is cruel? Well those are his words, not mine! I Wouldn't even be able to come up with something so sadistic on my own.
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Sorry, the wordpress was glitching when I tried to comment. If someone with the power to edit these can delete one of those, that'd be awesome.

Done - Algonkin
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