Takuya Sugi, Photo: Zedi [wikipedia]
Takuya Sugi is one badass Japanese Pro Wrestler. Actually, the entire Japanese Pro Wrestling scene is much better than the American counterpart (and perhaps the Mexican lucha libre - with this notable exception).
For one, the costumes are fantastic. And the moves are much more stylish. Consider this YouTube clip below, where Takuya Sugi performs his many acrobatic moves (in his many wrestling personalities):
(Warning: loud music, turn down your speaker if you don't like screeching hard rock)
Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] | See also Top 10 Moves of Takuya Sugi [YouTube] if you want to see what some of those moves are called (Blind Spaceman Moonsault! Cyclone Elbow Strike! Blazing Arrow!) - via One Large Prawn
I can't believe there are still people in the world under the impression that pro wrestling fans think it isn't 'fake'.
do a youtube search for a song called "The Words 'Best Friend' Become Redefined" by Chiodos.