This girl is ten years old. My daughter will be eleven when her piano recital comes up next week. If I show her this video, she’ll never be able to perform her elementary piece. -via mental_floss
Comments (18)
I think if I were in the audience, I would have been shouting Wooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the end.
It looks like a really good quality organ. The only ones I've ever played are usually of the kind you get playing in town halls at tea dances i.e. terrible. Also what was up with her outfit? Trust the Japanese.
odd, I think I know this theme(s?) somehow. I think it's either from some anime of some sort or a game... or many.... but some themes sound very familiar, i just cant put my finger on it
Would love to know who arranged it and set up the organ ... if the little girl did it then I bow to her. She rocks to be sure but the one who deserves the highest praise is the person who arranged/adapted it for this instrument.
Comments (18)
That was crazy good!
Looks like an electric organ of some sort. My mum's an organ teacher and I played for many years.
Play Freebird!
Also what was up with her outfit? Trust the Japanese.
She'll be playing at all the high-class brothels in no time.