The first video is a compilation of various YouTube clips that were created through the process of high speed cameras catching every movement and every detail that the normal eye cannot process as quickly or clearly.
The second video - and by far my favorite - is by a group called "Lucid Movement" who have filmed incredible images and scenes with high speed cameras as well. This compilation is a look at up to six months worth of filming and processing that really pays off as you'll see.
So, if you're at the office/school/home sit back and take a coffee break to enjoy these videos because I guarantee that you'll be saying, "Whoa!" with an
I would like to thank Thespian24601 for pointing me towards the first video and to Lucid Movement. Oh, and please register with a shorter name! ;)
[Link] - to first YouTube video
[Link] - to second Youtube video
[] - to Lucid Movement
However, I don't know that "Lucid Movement" is the most accurate title. It seems to me that the slowing down of these common events brings to light more hidden features... not lucid ones.
Darn my artsy nature! Oh, and Thespian24601 I'm sure you could try to register with that name. Though... ;)
The song is the famous Pachelbel's Canon in D Major. :)
Well on the main page and here on the comments if you look all the way to the top right of the page you'll see the "Register" link just below the "Search" button. Click on "Register" to save yourself your name permanently. :)
That way you'll be able to automatically log in to comment and be able to see if you're one of the top commenter's!
I.. don't think you used 'bemused' correctly here. Why would I have a confused expression?
Well, I guess I used the word 'bemused' to point that after saying, "Whoa!" you'd sit there perplexed at the absurdity of what you just saw. But I see what you mean...even looking at it now it looks odd. ;)
I preferred the first.
The first one was interesting, but I did prefer the second one, even if it is considered 'artsy'. Great interface between music/video.
ive no idea about classical music at all.. but ive always really liked that piece..
If you like Pachelbel’s Canon then you should check this out:
Thank you for that. I am sending it to every cellist I have ever known. Too freakin' funny.
Second video - Was that first water bit rain? If it was, I always thought all rain drops were the same size. There's no reason they should be, but I had no idea there was a difference from one drop to another.