Archive for April 18th, 2008

Five Cartoons You Should Look Into

I admit it: I'm an adult (although I suppose that's arguable) who watches cartoons. And I'm not just talking The Simpsons or Family Guy (although I like those too) – I have a real thing for [adu...

Westerns for Guys Who Don't Like Westerns

Cineleet has a neat post about a few movies that have the basic tenet of a Western film (morality tales featuring an antihero, code of honor and ruthless villains) for guys who don't like Westerns.Take this Japanese samu...

Scenes from the Morgue: Retro Pulp B-Movie Ads Galore!

Neatorama reader Melia Gleason wrote to us about Scenes from the Morgue blog by Chad Plambeck, a blog dedicated to retro-pulp movie ads that appeared in the The Grand Island Independent newspaper published by the company...

Doeo Flash Game

ZOMG! This is the funnest Flash game evar: Doeo is a simple yet maddeningly addictive game from Marcus Richert (aka Raitendo).The game play is simple: collect the Doeos as they pop up - sometimes in unexpected places - t...

Tale of a Studio Book: From the Library to an Antique Store to the Internet, and Back to the Studio

In the 1940s, film giant 20th Century Fox lent several hand-bound books to the University of Southern California library. These books contained examples of various documents and forms used during filmmaking and studio op...

Pacarrotman: Pac-Man with Veggies!

Apparently Neatorama reader Jason Sanders never heeded his parents advice of not playing with his food. That turned out to be somewhat of a good thing, because we now can watch this: Pacarrotman, a 35-second Pac-Man stop...

Candidate Finger Puppets

You can download and print foldable paper finger puppets of the US presidential candidates. These would be pretty handy for your next political argument with friends or family, or for staging your own photo-op or debat...

High Tech Noon

(YouTube link) Darryl Gold re-edited the classic western High Noon to include killer robots! -via b3ta...

Crossbow Robbery Foiled

(Live Leak link) You don’t see a crime committed with a crossbow every day. Shopkeeper Mohammed Razaq had just loaded a DVD for his five children when a man with a crossbow tried to rob the store. Security footage s...

Stalin's Juggling Body Double Finally Tells His Story

The story of how Felix Dadaev came to be Stalin's body double is somewhat similar to the plotline of the movie "Dave," except set in Soviet Russia and with a larger dose of paranoia. According to the Daily Mail: ...

Slow Motion Compilations

After posting the video "Popping A Water Balloon", I was pointed towards looking for better and longer slow motion videos for folks who will enjoy everyday objects reacting in manners quite alien to us. Well, thank good...

Fish Are a Noisy Bunch

Most people aren't aware of this, but the ocean is actually a noisy place, because its inhabitants are a noisy bunch:For most fish, the sonic mechanism is a muscle that vibrates a swim bladder not unlike our vocal co...

Bizarro: Rorschach's Parents

Heh! This Bizarro's comic panel, titled Rorschach's Parents, made me chuckle. For more Bizarro, check out Dan Piraro's excellent website and blog.By the way, Hermann Rorschach, the inventor of the psychological inkblot t...

Blogger's Own Atomicus

After reading our post about Salvador Dali bloopers, blogger David Makar of Dryden Is Home decided to make his own Atomicus. Here it is:Not bad, but missing the cats, David! Link....

8 Year Old Girl in Yemen Granted Divorce After Forced Marriage

An eight-year-old Yemeni was granted a divorce after her father forced her into an arranged marriage:"I am happy that I am divorced now. I will be able to go back to school," Nojud Mohammed Ali said, after...

Quote: Phyllis Diller on Golf

"The reason the pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can't see him laughing." - Phyllis Diller, comedienne, on golf...

How To Break Down a Door

The Art of Manliness blog has a post about How to Break Down a Door ... Here it is, just in case you need to (like a burning building or something like that):Now, from my experience, it's virtually impossible to kick ope...

Megaman Stained Glass Project

Woot! Be still my heart! Here's the Megaman stained glass project by Flickr user Gary in Cleveland. (complete with some making of photos, too!) - via Ihateal...

Tea-Over-Ice Pitchers

Tea-Over-Ice from Tea Forté is a set of two pitchers: the smaller one, used to brew the hot tea sits on top of the larger one, which holds ice.The idea is that after your tea is brewed, you can simply flash chill...

Mime Alphabet Book

Photo: eliz.avery [Flickr]Flickr user eliz.avery found this strange children book from 1974: the Mime Alphabet Book by Nina and Cathy Gasiorowicz - via QuiddityHere are a couple of the letters:D is for dyingN is for nobo...

Trivia: Blackboard Chalk Isn't Made of Chalk

Blackboard chalk is made of gypsum, not chalk.Chalk is a type of limestone composed of the mineral calcite. Blackboard chalk used to be made from natural chalk, but it has since been replaced by compressed gypsu...

Cameramail: Dear Mr. Postman, Take Some Photos Will Ya?

In 2003, Kyle Van Horn of Three Bunny Press decided to send a cameramail: a disposable camera attached to an oversized postcard with instructions asking the postal carrier to take photos! On November 30th, 2003, an...

Robbing Las Vegas (4 Who Got Caught and 1 Who Got Away)

Photo: misterbisson [Flickr]Not all the bandits in Sin City are one-armed. Here are a few different ways people have tried to beat the odds:1. A Little Off The TopHere's how it worked. In the 1970s...

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