A Typical Day in Brazoria, Texas


Here's a typical day in Brazoria, Texas, according to its sheriff:

When William Johnson made a couple of suspicious U-Turns at the intersection of Texas 35 and 288 early Sunday a state trooper pulled him over.

Then the trooper noticed a 6-foot alligator contentedly riding next to the back window of Johnson's car. Johnson said he found the gator on the side of a road.

But it was allegations that Johnson had been taking things out of a mobile home in the nearby town of Brazoria that sent him to jail on a burglary charge. Investigators found a hair trimmer and video game controller in his pockets. [...]

Early Sunday a resident of a local mobile home park said Johnson knocked on his door and asked for help hauling a big television out of a mobile home, Longbotham said.

"The neighbor told him that's not your house," the chief said. [...] "Just a typical day in Brazoria," the chief sighed.

Link - via Arbroath

Update 4/17/08: Photo of the alligator

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I know this man personally. I would like to state however if things in his life were different he could have made a great Steve Erwin (sp?). He’s only 30 there’s still time. There has to be a better idea for social reform ability and stability. This man would make a great outdoorsman if only he would conform to society. I will gladly state on his part that he is (somewhat) of an imbalanced individual. I stand in amazement of what genetics and environment can do to a person. I say that with love. HOWEVER, I’m happy to say that he has been a cold blooder since he could walk. Throughout his life having fish, lizards, turtles, snakes, spiders, frogs and really anything else that one would normally leave outside in the wild and walk away from. He also was a very good reptile daddy as he personally caught all of their food from the wild. As far as the TV, razor and video controller go, these are my thoughts: he was planning to play video games on his stolen television after possibly procuring the matching video console. I’m sure he just forgot to remove it when the tv got broken. Also it looks like the razor may have been broken as well. I’m withholding my name due to shear embarrassment.
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Lovely. I'm from Angleton but I used to live in Brazoria. This is the what... 3rd time or so I've read about the hick part of the county (brazoria, sweeny, west columbia, damon) in neatorama. I used to think brazoria was just full of sweet old country people. Now I think maybe they need some fresh blood because the gene pool is becoming a little too... consolidated.
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never knew so many texans read neatorama!

i think everyone here in east texas has a story about some one from lake jackson (no one will say they live in brazoria......lol)
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