Archive for April 15th, 2008

Clearcut Forest Screened from the Road

Photo: George SteinmetzGeorge Steinmetz is one of my favorite new finds on the Net. He specializes in taking aerial photographs while piloting a motorized paraglider. Check out the photograph above, of a clear-cut forest...


Stringwave is a seemingly simple physics toy that can keep you busy for a while! Change the settings and parameters and see what your waves and echos are like. This is something my grandmother would call "a play-pretty...

The Ravings of a Mad (almost) Novelist

I think I'm finally going to do it this year: NaNoWriMo. Some of you are thinking, "Uh, are you insane?" Some of you are thinking "Awesome!" And some of you are thinking, "I have no idea what you're talking about...

Graffiti Taxonomy

Graffiti Taxonomy is a project by Evan Roth aka ni9e of Graffiti Research Lab. It is a study of the styles of the alphabets used in graffiti found New York:Graffiti Taxonomy presents isolated letters from various gra...

Over-Water Bungalows in Bora Bora and Other Incrediby Cool Hotel Suites Around the World

ProTraveller blog has a neat post about 10 of the coolest hotel suites I'll never be able to afford. Oh well, here's what most of us just have to satisfy ourselves with while counting our meager savings: amazing photos o...

10 Most Badass Geeks in Film and TV

Always Watching blog has a neat post about the 10 Most Badass Geek in Film and TV. Now, I'd never thought I'd see the words "badass" and "geek" all in the same sentence (discounting the obvious "...

Fleep Comic by Jason Shiga

Jason Shiga's 2001 comic "Fleep" is about a boy who wakes up in a telephone booth that has been mysteriously encased in concrete. With only the content of his pockets (two pens, a paperback novel, three coins a...

A Bejeweled Wedding Proposal

To propose to his girlfriend Tammy Li, Bernie Peng wrote a Bejeweled game (from scratch!) on her Nintendo DS. After she reached a certain score, the screen cleared and a ring dropped down (she said yes).Fox News has more...

Remote Control Super Mario Brothers Song

( link) I can’t imagine how much time this took to set up and rehearse. This guy plays the Super Mario Brothers theme on bottles with a remote-control car! Just tuning the bottles would take me all day, the...

Zombie Daily

My favourite artist / illustrator is at it again. Rob Sacchetto of Zombie Portraits fame has ripped and torn his way through over 400 of his custom zombie portraits in just over a year. However, creating at least one zom...

Caption Monkey 26: Redneck Habitrail

Photo found at SonnyRadio (biggify) - via reddit and onelargeprawnIt's Habitrail for rednecks on this week's Neatorama and Hobotopia's Caption Monkey Game.The funniest caption will win Meet the Laugh-Out-Loud Cats*/e...

Quote: Evan Esar on Statistics

"Definition of statistics: the science of producing unreliable facts from reliable figures." - Evan Esar, American humorist...

The Stupidest Business Decisions in History

The following is from Uncle John's All-Purpose Extra Strength Bathroom Reader.We've all made mistakes ... but probably not big mistakes like making snot beer, saying no to The Beatles, or turning down the...

Trivia: Heisman's Contribution to American Football

Coach John Heisman (yes, of the American football trophy fame) divided the game into quarters, invented the center snap and the "hike" yell, and made popular the forward pass.Ever year, the Heisman Trophy is aw...

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