We previously posted about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an area the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and San Francisco that is infested with floating trash.
Because there isn't much in terms of video footage of this phenomenon, VBS.tv decided to investigate. Rory Ahearn of VBS.tv wrote:
At VBS.tv we had read all the articles about this environmental problem but didn't see much in the way of video. So curiosity and the challenge compelled us west to the middle of the Pacific Ocean to show what other people had only been writing about. We go all the way out ( 2 straight days on a sail boat) expecting to see a floating dump, looking for our money shot that will make us famous.
Here's the bad news, there is no money shot. What people don't get is that it's not really a patch and it's not really an island, both of which you might be able to contain and control. No, what we found is much worse. It's like a gigantic toxic stew and it's a big big problem that we need to pay attention to now.
Here's part 1 of 12 of TOXIC- Garbage Island: Link (Flash video, warning: um, strong language) - Thanks Rory!