Behold the Atheist's Nightmare: the Banana

It comes with a non-slip surface, a three-level color indicator system for fast and accurate quality information, an innovative curved design, and much more.

Link [YouTube] - via Pusha

I find it humorous that Kirk Cameron appears to be holding back a laugh throughout the intelligent design lecture! Why look, another lowly animal can enjoy bananas just as us hoomans do!
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There are so many other valid points you can make about creationism, that are not as retarded as this one... Some christians just set back the movement instead of helping it...
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and more anti-Christian fodder, honestly because these dudes are not creative enough about evolution.

Kirk Cameron is an actor btw, not a scientist, he doesn't know crap about the subject and neither does his associate it appears. They should not have taken this approach.

Does it make sense that a banana would be that shape just because those that would eat it prefer that shape and "accessibility?" You're damn right it does. EIA.
and BTW, I'm an Evangelical Christian.
Did God Create it? YES.
Did it evolve? YES.
Was that intentional? Who cares. At least we can use the data to understand the world we live in.
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Keep in mind that God also made the Banana Spider which is absolutely deadly to banana workers. Which means that God also set up the system by which banana workers work, including the plantation system of the past to the economic inequities of the present.

Instead of trying to ridicule atheists, prehaps prayer and setting a Christ-like example would more in line with Christian ideology.
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Uhh... that "tab" at the "top", is actually at the bottom of the banana. It grows upward. BTW, All those "godly innovations" mentioned are actually more proof of evolution.... derrr....
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the standard yellow banana we know today isn't "gods creation" at all. It's the result of "domestication" by man... most all of the standard yellow bananas you see today are propigated asexually through plant offshoots and "corms".

"wild" bananas have rather large and inedible seeds. God created "wild" bananas. Man created yellow "Cavendish" bananas. Man also created this horrible misinformed video.
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I find it odd that evangelicals (at least the ones similar to those in this clip) think an atheists "nightmare" would be that God exists.

I'm an atheist myself, and if I were to find conclusive proof God's existence - whichever god it happens to be - then I would cease to be an Atheist. I follow the evidence, it's pretty simple.

The assumption is that we don't believe in God because we don't -want- to or we're too angry to. That we would prefer a universe that has no god. I'm always confused by this stance, as in my experience the people who are the most angry at god (or the idea of one) are generally Christians themselves who are going through hard times.

Oh yeah. and the video's stupid too. hur hur.
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.... for some reason many of the articles have either already been featured once or twice or I have heard of the whole thing aaaaages ago. like with this thing... <.<
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This man has just done what theologians have been trying for millennia. You, sir, are the atheists nightmare! with a banana for your holy scepter!
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What drivel.
Religious fanatics and ignoramuses increase primarily in those countries that don't have free access to good education. Yes, I mean the US as well as many other countries.
Sure, there are believing Christians in Europe, but there are very few evangelicals, and even fewer creationists. Coincidentally, they have a much more advanced education system.
Pol, that comic was priceless.
Empty-minded: my position exactly.
JM: touche
Andrew: thanks for that, I too am an atheist.
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As a Christian, I find this video offensive. Not necessarily because it is "wrong" or "incorrect" it is more because of the bad name it gives me and the God I follow. Especially when it is put up on a site like this, with no context, in a satrical/joking/comical setting. It seems to say, "Look at this dumb Christian guy! He's so dumb and funny! Man, all Christians are dumb and ignorant, because these types of videos are all I see of them and they're full of crap!"

Now, I don't mind that you don't agree with my beliefs; I'm cool with you having your own opinions and whatnot, and I won't tell you anything you don't want to hear and I hope that you will do the same for me, but I really wish videos like this would either not be shown or be put into a proper context. Maybe proper context would be something along the lines of explaining that this is an example of an uneducated Christian like and to avoid listening to the kind of teaching they propogate and that this is NOT the sum of the beliefs of Christians in the US or worldwide.

Please Neatorama, you seem to respect other religions' beliefs by not posting their nut cases, uneducated teachers, and fundamentalist extremists, please have the same courtesy for mine.
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The man speaking is called Ray Comfort, and I can assure you that he is NOT trying to be serious. This is the kind of thing he does for a living.

If you think the banana thing is awful, check out the man's blog:
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"As a Christian, I find this video offensive. Not necessarily because it is “wrong” or “incorrect” it is more because of the bad name it gives me and the God I follow. "

Well start your own blog then and make posts about your genocidal, petty, sadist christian diety on there.
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What is most ridiculous about his whole explanation is that the banana, as we know it, has been selectively bred by humans for centuries. So, its perfection as a food was designed. Evidence in Papua New Guinea suggests that banana cultivation goes back to at least 5000 BCE, and possibly to 8000 BCE. (wiki) Check out wiki because they even have images of what a wild banana looks like, which isn't very "perfect."

I think the gentleman is only illustrating the point that God is made in our own image.
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i think that this clip shows half of the guy's little analogy. whatever he hands kirk cameron seems like it was involved, in a part of the video not included on youtube.

mind you, i detest religions. but this seems like it was edited with bias, and i prefer to deride the faithful without (too many) cheap shots. anyone have a line on the whole clip?
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I thought liberals were supposed to be the ones who are accepting of other peoples beliefs and cultures. Some of the comments on here are just sad and shameful.
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"I thought liberals were supposed to be the ones who are accepting of other peoples beliefs and cultures. Some of the comments on here are just sad and shameful."

You must be a rootin-tootin Texan Bible thumper. Who claimed their political affiliation in this? I saw none.

Conjuring up imaginary "lee-burrr-awl" enemies must be fun. YEEEE-HAWWWWW!!!!
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I'm surprised nobody's pointed out the response video from YouTube that shows what god's divine creation looked like before human intervention. Take a look,
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"Well start your own blog then and make posts about your genocidal, petty, sadist christian diety on there."

I'll admit that a lot of nasty and evil things have been done in the name of the Christian God, and I'll give you that even the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, leads one to think that the Christian God is nasty. However, if you actually look at the true nature of God, he does not condone those evil things. Basically the law and will of God can be summed up as "love God, love others." This is seen in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Reading the New Testament will show that Christ's teachings are all about love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, humility, humbleness, serving others, particularly the poor (of which Christ spoke and taught the most on), orphans and widows.

If you chose not to see or hear or believe any of this, that is your right and choice and I will honor that and I will not stoop so low as to belittle, dismiss, make fun of, or bad mouth you or your beliefs as you have so eloquently done. Please be courteous. Thank you.
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"I’ll admit that a lot of nasty and evil things have been done in the name of the Christian God, and I’ll give you that even the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, leads one to think that the Christian God is nasty. However, if you actually look at the true nature of God, he does not condone those evil things"

Well he commanded the Israelites to slaughter "enemy" (even though israelites were the ones on an invading jihad) villages, even preganant women and young children. Sounds like a description of his nature to me. The slaughter of Job's family to one-up the devil was also pretty lowly of this supposedly all-good, all-knowing god.

And in the new testament, what kind of god would condemn people to hell for not hearing of Jesus? If I ever came across such a pompous character I would spit in his face.
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It is obvious that you will only hear what you want to hear, and you have such a bias against Christainity/Christians/God that there is no getting through to you. Here is where I bow out of the conversation, as I don't want this to escalate into something we both don't want it to. Thank you for your comments and thoughts. Good day.
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"It is obvious that you will only hear what you want to hear, and you have such a bias against Christainity/Christians/God that there is no getting through to you. Here is where I bow out of the conversation, as I don’t want this to escalate into something we both don’t want it to. Thank you for your comments and thoughts. Good day."

My previous post was lucid enough for a civilized discussion.

I don't blame you for bowing out of the convo though...there really is no explaining away genocide, eternal torture, gambling with the devil over peoples lives, etc.

So I guess now you'll go off and campaign against gay marriage or for religious artifacts in courtrooms or whatever it is that members of your superstition do on weekends to waste their lives.
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Lawdy... you're only trying to insight people with your nastiness.

Mokuwai must've hit close to home for you to react that way.
Personally I just feel sorry for anyone with that much hate in their heart.
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"Flying Sphagetti Monster = food
Banana = food

I am just saying."

People care a lot about food. It is our main source of energy. Also, it tastes good. It doesn't surprise me that people look to food for spirituality.
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Is this the same god that made the Coconut, which can fall on our head and kill us, or the watermelon, which is too heavy to easily carry around?

That SOB is just taunting us with the banana, when most of the food world sucks.
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Lol weird... I was searching up this video recently for someone. Didn't remember where it came from so I typed it with neatorama, arbroath and eventually found it in welsh view 2 years ago. XD

Odd it popped up here today. :D

I love this video ahahaha. Left an impression even 2 years later. Bananas....
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I'm not an expert on banana domestication or biology, but it seems reasonable to me to suppose that bananas (and palm fruits generally) could have evolved specifically to be eaten by primates, who crap out the seeds and thus propagate the plant. Most fruit evolved to be eaten by one creature or another, in the same way that flowers produce nectar specifically to attract bees, who then inadvertently spread the pollen around. It's a win-win.

Go check out Richard Dawkins' essay on the fig and the fig wasp. We think of a fig as a "fruit," but it's actually more like an enclosed flower, which has evolved specifically to meet the needs of the fig wasps that pollinate it. And those fig wasps, of course, have evolved to do nothing but reproduce (and inadvertently pollinate) inside figs. Evolution is far more interesting, complex, and beautiful than just saying some old man with a big white beard made everything, which is the kind of explanation a 5 year old would come up with to explain the natural world. And even an above-average five year old would eventually ask: who made the old man with the white beard?
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Will someone explain to me how this video constitutes "christian bashing"? These are people claiming to be christian, describing beliefs that are widely held by many similar christians in this country.
If more intelligent christians are embarrassed about it, don't blame Neatorama for posting it, blame the creationists producing this silly stuff.
Similarly, if some christians who believe their god is kind and benevolent are offended that others are skeptical, don't tell us were wrong. Go seek out those christians who condone murder of abortion doctors, or want to amend our Constitution to make gays and lesbians second class citizens.
They, and many similarly bigoted christians are the ones giving christianity a bad name, but I don't see less bigoted christians standing up against them, so why should I differentiate?
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Or. . . dumbass, you could open it from the other end and avoid all of the little banana strings that annoy the heck out of me. I'm surprised that someone who thinks so out of the box is still stuck in the narrow minded religion of Christianity. Keep on sucking off bananas loony.
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it doesn't necessarily have a bio-degradable "wrapper" a bannana skin struggle to degrade in most western climates, it needs a hot humid atmosphere to degrade, similar to the atmosphere it needs to grow in.
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I wonder if the producers realize that the same logic can be used to prove that human male genitalia was also designed to be held in the hand.
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for me it would be a nightmare if the Biblical god existed. Have you read the old testament? The person described in it is an absolute nut!
All the old testament God does is tell people to invade places, smite anyone they see (children,wome,etc) and enslave the remaining people, it's incredible.

He made some nice ergonomic fruit though eh!
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Lot of OT bashing going I notice.

For the record the OT was before Jesus, before Christianity (and Islam for that matter) that's the Jewish religion of whose people committed those acts of 'genocide'. It doesn't matter that the people God ordered them to destroy were sacrificing their own children, rapists and such.

So I guess anyone who has a problem with the Old Testament needs to find some Jewish people and have a go at them.

On the short end of it, Jesus came along to clarify the law of the OT. He came along to say 1) The law is right and must be obeyed but 2) It's more important to show mercy.

eg. not unlike a traffic cop who lets you off a speeding ticket because of extenuating circumstances. Those who followed Jehova before Jesus were simply following the rules without applying discretion, without realising it was their choice all along if they executed someone according to the law or showed mercy according to what God was always after.

This is a watered down explanation for those who fear what they don't understand.
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By the same logic, this film would also prove that the penis is perfectly designed for the human mouth.

The whole idea of bashing this guy's lovely little sermonette is just mean-spirited. It's not meant as something scientific. Once again, the United Atheist League jumps on the bashing bandwagon.
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There is a nice discussion from ABC Nightline between the Rational Response Squad and Ray Comfort. Its really interesting how he tries to prove scientifically that the christian god exists. I think he should look up the word "science" in the dictionary first.
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If there is a building, then there must be a builder.
If there is a painting, then the must be a painter.
If there is a banana, then there must be a bananaer
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"Wow. 65 comments so far. And some heated ones. All from a banana.

Are we really ready for peace in the world?"

Blasphemous abananaists.
C'mon you know this has nothing to do with a banana.
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Maybe proper context would be something along the lines of explaining that this is an example of an uneducated Christian like and to avoid listening to the kind of teaching they propogate and that this is NOT the sum of the beliefs of Christians in the US or worldwide.

Anyone smart enough to care is already smart enough to realize this on their own.
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"Lot of OT bashing going I notice.

For the record the OT was before Jesus, before Christianity (and Islam for that matter) that’s the Jewish religion of whose people committed those acts of ‘genocide’. It doesn’t matter that the people God ordered them to destroy were sacrificing their own children, rapists and such."

Sorry, this doesn't wash. There are plenty of Christians who feel the world was created as per Genesis, that a great flood wiped out a great deal of life on this planet and that Moses wandered the desert for 40 years. Sure, many don't, but OT ain't just a Jewish thing.

Atheists constantly deal with promises of eternal pain, anger and accusations of being amoral. Little wonder that many are now standing their ground and fighting back. Especially when they are met with asbolute tripe as Cameron's and Comfort's attempts to 'prove' Creationism.

I've got no problem with everybody having their own belief, yet as a science communicator it gets my goat when people abuse science in support of their views.
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I said nothing about Genesis or the great flood. I didn't say anything to try and convince people, I was simply trying to inform, as you no doubt do with Science. Historically Judaism predates Christianity, and it was Jews who committed those acts, not Christians.

Of course there are people who have cloaked themselves in Christianity to justify their own atrocious acts since, just as those have used other ideologies like Marxism to accomplish evil.

Glad to see you are fighting back against your persecution... and abusing religion in support of your views.

Sorry if my presence here makes you feel as though you face eternal pain, anger and accusations of being amoral.

I guess two wrongs DO make a right!
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Isn't it ironic that God's "miracle" fruit is the very same fruit that is used in PE class to teach school children how to use condoms and effectively prevent potential teen pregnancies? Dark sided!
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"Historically Judaism predates Christianity, and it was Jews who committed those acts, not Christians.
...Of course there are people who have cloaked themselves in Christianity to justify their own atrocious acts since, just as those have used other ideologies like Marxism to accomplish evil."

Well according to the bible, christianity is the same religion as OT judaism, and the OT god is the same god as the NT god.

And yes, "people have cloaked themselves" in christianity to do evil...people like...oh...i don't know....CHURCHES OF MOST MAJOR DENOMINATIONS.
The papacy is ruined in the blood of inquisitions and witch hunts and Nazism.
The guy who started Protestantism Martin Luther, was a raving mad anti-SSemite who called for all Jews to be burned alive and chased from villages.
Which grand history of christianity do you claim? So hard to pick one!
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This was posted as a joke, right? Or some sort of commentary on the dumbass arguments religious fundamentalists come up with?

Realistically a banana looks and tastes the way it does due to the diligent cultivation of native peoples.

Ever see what a banana looked like BEFORE mankind had intervened?

So, all this video really says to me is either "We can't think of a compelling argument to believe in our god to save our life so we are going to spread pseudo-science and wrong information to cow the dumb masses" or "Man is the new God."
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Why do monkeys open a banana from the bottom end?

Try it...simply turn the banana stem down and with your thumb and index finger pinch the end. It will spit open without much force allowing one to peal back the skin.

Long live the MONKEY GODS!!!
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` Er, yeah... no... if God made bananas, they are not very easy to eat and are sour and full of hard seeds. Humans, however, made the sweet, easy-to-peel version that we would refer to as 'banana shaped'.

` The banana is perfect for human consumption because HUMANS made it that way! (Papua New Guineans in fact.) Why not check out what wild bananas are like? You might not recognize them!
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I think its amaging that you are tring to get people to believe in God. keep on tring and pressing for the reward that God has for you in heaven. God is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in my life and i love him with my whole heart. he is so amaging.
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