Real Men Wear Kilts is a website with information on how to wear a kilt, news about kilts, links to vendors, and a member registry with pictures.
I love to see a man wearing a kilt! Link -via the Presurfer
I have long felt that there was a desperate need for a website devoted to the WEARING of the kilt, not merely the sales of highland wear, kilts, sporrans, etc. To be certain, there are definitely sites detailing the history of the kilt, how to wear the kilt, etc., but not one that celebrated the wearing of this simple but somewhat controversial fashion.
I love to see a man wearing a kilt! Link -via the Presurfer
Kilts also look best when worn with a Scotland Rugby or football top.
Finally the guy in the utilikilts video has the worst accent ever.
I wear mine when I get the chance. I find more often than not that people are receptive to it... as opposed to some arse who feels the need to project his feelings of how it's improper for a yank like myself to be wearing a kilt.
There's always the questions about the tartan and making sure that one is only wearing their family's colors. (I rarely know anyone who sticks to their family's tartan if it's known, cause quite frankly, there are some really ugly patterns out there.)
It usually ends when I ask them if they're intimidated by a guy in a kilt (usually followed by an instant "NO!") or if they're simply hitting on me. That's when they go quiet.
What surprises me still is how often BOTH the ladies AND men (yes, gay AND straight, more often the straight guys believe it or not) will do a 'kilt check.' The last 5 years alone I've seen a big increase in the use of the kilt and I'm glad it's catching on.
Off the rack kilts are much more affordable now and if you make sure you measure yourself properly, they often fit quite well. One of mine is a military surplus (in glorious and heavy 18oz 8yrd wool) kilt and it fits great. It's not difficult to find heavyweight wool kilts for under $150. is a great place to start. They also make them in poly blends, cotton and acrylic. From what I hear, polyviscose and acrylic are the better subsitutes. I prefer wool just for the weight.
The "rules" for typical kilt wearing are pretty simple:
1) Pleats always in the back
2) Make sure it FITS
3) Wearing a sporran, while not required, really should be done. If only for modesty, at least. A kilt pin helps for windy areas. Modern kilts (such as Utilikilts) don't need 'em.
4) Boots with socks pushed down, dress shoes or dark trainers with socks pulled up. Sandles also work, but best without socks.
5) Know the tartan you're wearing at least... Just the name, not every scrap of history that exists. You will find people respond well if you at least care enough to know the name.
6) Make sure it fits! So important it has to be mentioned twice.
A nice dark kilt with a leather jacket and boots or dark trainers always works well. They can be dressed up and down quite effectively.
How does a kilt "fit?" Military kilts start just below the ribs, most don't. Traditional usually end up approx two inches above the pants belt line. Some modern casual kilts start them at the pants line. Depending on the cut, from where the kilt starts to the middle of the kneecap. The best way to judge is to have it barely above the floor when you stand on your knees.