Oh the Irony: New Hampshire's "Live Free or Die" License Plates Made By Prisoners

Photo: marcn [Flickr]

Prisoners in the New Hampshire state prison in Concord, New Hampshire, stamp license plates with the state's motto: "Live Free or Die."

I think that most (if not all) prisons have a variety of jobs for the inmates. At least help them to contribute SOMETHING as my tax dollars pay for thier room and board.
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I know your point is that the imprisoned workers see the "Live Free or Die" motto, but I thought people might be interested to know that NH prisoners make all kinds of wonderful things that you can buy at their store which is called "Corrections Creations."
They make "candy dishes" out of license plates
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It's also hilarious that the famous old man on the mountain (the rock formation you see on the right-hand-side) of the license plate, which was apparently New Hampshire's claim to fame, fell off the mountain a few years ago.
He's also on the state quarter.
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Folk singer Bill Morrissey wrote a song called "Live Free or Die" on this very theme. You can listen to a snippet of it here (song #14): Rounder Records - Bill Morrissey
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I'm offended by that license plate. It contains the word 'log', which is synonymous with 'turd'. 'be logging' placed over the name of the beautiful state of New Hampshire obviously means 'shit on everybody in New Hampshire' and that is patently meant to offend.
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@Dietitian Max

I went to see the Old Man on the Mountain a week after the rock formation crumbled. There was a big gathering on the I93 viewing spot, and numerous NH people were really sad and mourning the loss of this symbol.

The Old Man is also on the NH highways signs.
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If you find that amusing, check out this awesome "candy dish" from the "Arts & Crafts" store at the state prison in Penacook, NH:

The clerk said the inmates can't make smoking-related crafts, so that is why it is called a "Candy Dish".

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How American. I do however think it should be the norm for all people incarcerated to work . What better way to get them to earn $ for their keep & train & Know this is how it works in the real world .Because in the REAL WORLD You just get to pick your prison ! If your wife says it is ok of course
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