"In a 2005 report about its exploration plans, NASA said it wanted to set up a base at a fixed location on the Moon after initially returning humans there in 2020.
But a gargantuan robotic vehicle called ATHLETE (All-Terrain Hex-Legged Extra-Terrestrial Explorer) could change that. Measuring about 7.5 metres wide, with legs more than 6 metres long, the robot could act essentially like a turtle, carrying the astronauts' living quarters around on its back.
ATHLETE would normally drive around the lunar surface, since that is much more energy-efficient than walking. But whenever the robot encountered very bumpy ground, or its wheels got mired in deep soil, it could switch to walking.
"If we get into ankle-deep dust, we'll lock the wheels, use them as feet, and just tiptoe out, effectively," Wilcox told New Scientist. "
Walking? Yes indeed - check out this video at YouTube.
Link - via The Daily Grail
I see Power Ranger Zoids in the future soon.
I understand if no one gets the reference.
Steven Hawkings has said that if we are to survive as a species, we need to move into space. I would have to defer to him.