Here's another goodie from the BBC: the animated history of Stonehenge - where you can watch 4,500 years of history behind the iconic monument in just about a minute. It's quite interesting!
Link [BBC Flash video] - Thanks Jeffs!
Here's another goodie from the BBC: the animated history of Stonehenge - where you can watch 4,500 years of history behind the iconic monument in just about a minute. It's quite interesting!
Link [BBC Flash video] - Thanks Jeffs!
Wow, you mean you have an actual TELEVISION?!
'...hinting at their symbolic importance' What the F does that even mean? It burns me every time there's some garbage filler offered in places where study has not revealed a plausible purpose for something being the way it is. Say 'we don't know' and get the respect of your audience, rather than trying to bamboozle them with non-statements.
For those who want to get right up to them however, there is a way you can. Since the Pagans made a fuss to the government the stones are open for two nights a year. Simply turn up in the evening on June 20th or December 20th for the Summer or Winter solstice. Then you can watch the dawn of the longest or shortest day over the stones.
I would recommend the Summer one (Salisbury plain + middle of December = not a lot of fun). It's a remarkable event, completely free and very well attended (4000+ people). I guarantee you will never forget it.
One Cartman-esque warning though. You may never completely get the stench of hippy off of you.
That is what I remember about Stonehenge, from my visit to England.
To the stone thief theorists, stones would have been broken up first.
Jobo - The reason there is no why is because nobody knows. We only have theories.