Dog Saves Baby Kangaroo

A four-month old kangaroo was in his mother’s pouch when she was killed by a car in Torquay, Victoria, Australia. The unharmed joey would normally have died, but Rex the mixed-breed dog took the roo to his owner, Leonie Allan.
"I'd taken Rex for a walk and we'd gone past the dead kangaroo that morning, and later I was working out the front and he started pointing," Ms Allan said.

"I was worried he'd found a snake and called him back, but when he returned he dropped the joey at my feet.

"He obviously sensed the baby roo was still alive in the pouch and somehow had gently grabbed it by the neck, gently retrieved it and brought it to me."

The kangaroo was calm and even snuggled up with Rex. Now named Rex Jr, the joey is under the care of the Jirrahlinga Wildlife Sanctuary, and will be released at 18 months of age. Link -via Arbroath

I am glad there is a good story about animals right now, I just read about some moron filing his dogs teeth off and the other day a dog thrown off an overpass.

This is nice....
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It's so good to see little stories like this. I would be a little disappointed if I had to give up the baby roo. I would want to raise it myself :)
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When I was a child I had a pomeranian named Fluffy. One day I also got a St. Bernard puppy. The pomeranian adopted the St. Bernard puppy and the puppy grew up thinking it was a pomeranian too. When full grown the St. Bernard would crawl on his belly to be closer in height to the pomeranian.

Now I have a Jack Russel with ADHD.

But I still think dogs are great. Cats aren't bad, but I can only get along with them when they are ridiculously fat.
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kuanes: It's my understanding that hunting dogs are trained not to use their teeth when retrieving a catch for the hunter. Otherwise the dog risks puncturing the hide and lowering the value.
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