
Why settle for Vitaminwater? Go for the flavor you really crave with Meatwater! It comes in many flavors: Beef Jerky, Beef Stroganof, Cheese Burger, Chicken Teriyaki, Dirty Hot Dog, Fish'n Chips, Hungarian Gulash, Italian Sausage, Peking Duck, Tandoori Chicken, Texas BBQ, Wiener Schnitzel, and introducing the new Escargot flavor! From Till Krautkramer. Link -via the Presurfer

Comments (38)

this has been a pretty lame april fool's dat internet-wide. google and bbc's stuff just confused people, and people who got it were bored. this was boring. hell, even dinosaurcomics rerouting to xkcd was kind of boring.
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This reminds me of when I was in elementry school and all the kids would stuff napkins, uneaten food, etc., down into their milk cartons after they finished eating. One day, wanting to be "cool" like all the others, I stuffed my nasty bologna down into my milk carton, then I forgot that I did it, and took a drink. Nothing can get that taste out of my mind, even though it was 22 years ago.
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@ jessleigh :

Argh! we did that too at my grade school. You had to eat everything on your plate (can't remember why) and they had food "checkers" at the exit of the cafeteria who would send you back if you had something left on your plate. I hated green beens so much I used to stuff them in my empty milk carton so I could pass by the checkers.

Then I got caught doing it once in second grade and was forced to eat a fresh helping of green beens (bet thats not legal to do these days). I think i gagged several times on them, it was awful. :<
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I had a hard time figuring out whether it was real or not. But then, I'd heard of Jones Soda's turkey-flavoured drink (which is actually real). It's kind of hard to dismiss "Meatwater" so easily when you know about that.

Then again, it was April 1st. I didn't trust anything I saw online yesterday!
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Beef Jerky, Beef Stroganof, Cheese Burger, Chicken Teriyaki, Dirty Hot Dog, Fish’n Chips, Hungarian Gulash, Italian Sausage, Peking Duck, Tandoori Chicken, Texas BBQ, Wiener Schnitzel, and Escargot flavor!... Just like tap water.
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