Archive for April 1st, 2008

The Case of the Dead Astrologer

One of the strangest April Fool hoaxes ever was pulled of by one Isaac Bickerstaff, an astrologer who published an almanac predicting the events of the year 1708. One of his predictions was the death of rival astrologer...

National Geographic by the Harvard Lampoon

The Harvard Lampoon’s latest issue came out April first entitled National Geographic. Staff members at National Geographic helped the student magazine to ensure the parody stayed true to the magazine’s style. Stories...

The Best Song EVAR: The Elephant Song by Eric Herman

If you have young children, or if you're young at heart, this is the song for you: The Elephant Song by Eric Herman (video created by Eric's wife Roseann with the help of their 3-year-old daughter Becca. The little g...

Robot Patient Teaches Doctors in Combat Zones

Thats the METI Human Patient Simulator, a robot that breathes, urinates, and blinks with uncanny realism. The high-tech robotic mannequin simulates a wide variety of battle wounds and injuries and is currently used in th...

Scott and Shackleton's Abandon Antarctic Huts

Fogonazos blog has an interesting post about the huts abandoned by Antarctic explorers Robert F. Scott and Ernest Shackleton:Shelves are still stocked with tins of cabbage, veal or onions. All these objects have been...

Pangram Blog

What do these sentences have in common? "I noticed his glazed pompadour had acquired a killer swoop; a foxy wave befitting a jester.""Strike with prejudice against laziness, that quixotic devi...

The Obama Kid

Forget the Obama Girl ... Here's the Obama kid: Jeff Simmermon of And I Am Not Lying blog wrote to us about his friend's toddler whose political preference was already set at such an early age. (Note how he has...

Man Keeps All of His Trash for One Year

Dave Chameides of 365 Days of Trash blog wrote to us about his project of keeping all the trash he generates in a year:The idea for this project came about six months ago as I was throwing something away in the garba...

Clothing Library Loans Out Business Attires to the Unemployed for Job Interviews

Treehugger has a short and sweet article about the Belmont Clothes Library in Australia, which loans out business apparel to the unemployed so they can look smart for job interviews!Just avoid the underwear section! Link...

Cities Shortening Yellow Light Duration for Profit

A lot of cities in the United States are strapped for cash but a handful of them are taking extreme measures of raising funds by taking these steps:1. Install red-light cameras2. Shorten the yellow light duration3. Profi...

Caption Monkey 25: Toilet Uh Oh!

Photo: massdistraction [Flickr]Folks, it's time for this week's Neatorama and Hobotopia's Caption Monkey game. But first, the story behind this photo, from Flickr user massdistraction:I'm going to burn in hell for po...


Why settle for Vitaminwater? Go for the flavor you really crave with Meatwater! It comes in many flavors: Beef Jerky, Beef Stroganof, Cheese Burger, Chicken Teriyaki, Dirty Hot Dog, Fish'n Chips, Hungarian Gulash, It...

Velvet Worm

(YouTube link) A velvet worm {wiki} attacks a beetle with slime. What a way to go! -via Dark Roasted Blend...

Useful Links

In case you are lost, or drawing a blank on what to do for April Fools Day, don’t be blue (or orange or gray). You might find these pages useful. In case you want to design your own April Fool post. -via the Presurfer,...

Flying Penguins

(YouTube link) Film maker and writer Terry Jones discovers a colony of penguins, which are unlike any other penguins in the world. It’s an ad for the BBC iPlayer. -via Arbroath...

A Tawdry Tudor Tale

Frances Carr was quite a piece of work. Born into the powerful, not to say Machiavellian, Howard family in 1591, she was married to the Earl of Essex, Robert Devereux, when she was 13 and he was 14. They were kept apart...

The Outrageous (Mis)Fortune of Terry Gilliam

Anyone who's ever seen the heartbreaking documentary Lost in La Mancha knows that esteeemed filmmaker Terry Gilliam does not have fortune on his side when he's making films. But what might be less familiar to pe...

Virgle: Branson and Google Colonizes Mars

Earth has issues, and it's time humanity got started on a Plan B. So, starting in 2014, Virgin founder Richard Branson and Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin will be leading hundreds of users on one of the...

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