A Vaccine for the Ebola Virus?

Scientists may finally be on the cusp of finding a vaccine for the Ebola virus. According to an article in EurekAlert:

Because Ebola virus is so dangerous, producing and testing a vaccine is extremely challenging for the scientists. One significant factor slowing down progress has been that there are only a very limited number of high containment facilities with staff capable and authorised to conduct the research.

“Ebola virus is a Biosafety Level 4 threat, along with many other haemorrhagic fever viruses”, says Dr Sanchez. “As well as the difficulty in getting the right staff and facilities, vaccines for viruses like Ebola, Marburg and Lassa fever have been difficult to produce because simple ‘killed’ viruses that just trigger an antibody response from the blood are not effective. For these viruses we need to get a cell-mediated response, which involves our bodies producing killer T-cells before immunity is strong enough to prevent or clear an infection.”

The researchers have now used several different recombinant DNA techniques, which have allowed them to trigger a cell-mediated response and produce a vaccine that is effective in non-human primates. One of the candidate vaccines is about to be tested on people for the first time, after entering Phase 1 clinical trials in autumn 2006.

I'm old enough to still remember the early 90s, when movies like Outbreak and books like The Hot Zone had a firm grip on the popular imagination. There was a mystique about these deadly diseases that people just found utterly compelling. I can't really speculate why, except to say that that maybe it's the same reason people find serial killers compelling too: We long to know why/how they do what they do. But, like serial killers, we'll probably never understand any of them completely. We just need to be able to stop them.

Here's wishing Dr. Sanchez good luck at the CDC today, where he'll be presenting Ebola vaccine developments!

Link - via Digg

Literally a week after I finished reading The Hot Zone, I got a bleeding ulcer that caused me to vomit blood - HOLY S**T! I nearly crapped my pants with all the ideas that started to flow through my head ;-)
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Hot Zone was a great read and all the more alarming in that it was a true story. But I have to wonder how much of a problem Ebola/Marburg actually are in the world. Yes, they're horrible and graphically lethal, but they kill their victims so quickly, they're not likely to become epidemics the way TB, AIDS, or influenza are.

But hey, if they can come up with a vaccine for it, great!
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Richard Preston is the brother of another writer I like Douglas Preston (who wrote the Pendergast novels with Lincoln Child).

If you like Hot Zone, check out the Cobra Event (also by Richard Preston).
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There's something powerfully compelling about something so strongly contagious and thuroughly deadly. I think that's why killer plague and zombie fiction and films as well as non-fiction accounts appeal to us on a basic level. It's happened before (black death, spanish flu) and it'll surely happen again.
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- alas,the Allopathic paradigms are not what they seem. The following is a real eyeopener,not to mention a kick in the gut: We've been had!

Top Ten Concerns About the Future of Vaccination

By Dan Schultz, DC
March 24, 2008
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http://www.healthtruthrevealed.com/full-page.php?id=1359428303&&page=a rticle

Uh, yeah. I'm all for alternative medicine but these are the same idiots that advocate prayer as an alternative to vaccination, claim that HIV is not linked to AIDS, and wonder "Are We Nearing The Biblically Prophesied End Times?"
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Kinda naive to say there aren't people working on other more "popular" things like autism, or that research into Ebola is preventing that from happening.

And that Crusador link - awesome-looking text, but they spelled it wrong.
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I think we were interested in it because we were freaking scared. I know I was, and to some extent, still am. Do you think it's okay for the press to effectively panic for us with all the talk of killer bugs that are just waiting for the right moment to strike?
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