The latest Cabinet of Curiosities blog carnival brings together all sorts of Steampunk wonders starting with the famous steam-powered wheelchair from Wild Wild West, the prop design one of the few great things about the film. Another such wheelchair is said to appear in the Weird West film Takashi Miike's Sukiyaki Western: Django, alongside mini-guns and Quentin Tarantino sporting a very odd accent
It seems a pity there aren't more in real-life, which goes to underline how much there is left for people to give a good Steampunk mod to. After all we have Pimp My Wheelchair, and numerous examples, we just need to apply a dash of retro-chic.
Stephane Halleux's sculptures (for more, click "chaises" in the menu of their site) certainly show there is a world of potential on the design front. We even have steam-powered prosthetics - we just need to make them look the part.
Previous Cabinet of Curiosities:
- Cabinet of Curiosities #1- PT Barnum Edition
- Cabinet of Curiosities (1st impression, part 2 version)
- Cabinet of Curiosities #3: Albertus Seba Edition
- Cabinet of Curiosities #4 : The Choose Your Own Adventure Edition
That should be enough, to keep everyone busy reading for a while.