The Pregnant Husband: Transgender Man Expecting a Baby

To his neighbors, Thomas Beatie and his wife Nancy are just another young happy couple living in a quiet Oregon neighborhood. But Thomas is no ordinary man: he is transgender and now ... he is pregnant!

Ten years ago, when Nancy and I became a couple, the idea of us
having a child was more dream than plan. I always wanted to have children. However, due to severe endometriosis 20 years ago, Nancy had to undergo a hysterectomy and is unable to carry a child. But after the success of our custom screen-printing business and a move from Hawaii to the Pacific Northwest two years ago, the timing finally seemed right. I stopped taking my bimonthly testosterone injections. It had been roughly eight years since I had my last menstrual cycle, so this wasn’t a decision that I took lightly. My body regulated itself after about four months, and I didn’t have to take any exogenous estrogen, progesterone, or fertility drugs to aid my pregnancy.

Naturally, some people are shocked:

Our situation sparks legal, political, and social unknowns. We have only begun experiencing opposition from people who are upset by our situation. Doctors have discriminated against us, turning us away due to their religious beliefs. Health care professionals have refused to call me by a male pronoun or recognize Nancy as my wife. Receptionists have laughed at us. Friends and family have been unsupportive; most of Nancy’s family doesn’t even know I’m transgender.

Link - via Boing Boing

Gosh, I think it's terrific. I wish them all the best. Of all the places in this country, I'd think Oregon -- well, Portland -- might be one of the best places to deal with this, but I know the medical community can be *really* conservative. Good luck all the way around.
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Good for them. More power to them. Now we just sit back and watch the moral majority make their comments. Politics should have no place in the family. But our government has forgotten this type scenario is the very reason we wanted\and needed our own country. Freedom.
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Does sound a little suspicious but not completely impossible. If he is biologically female, and can physically carry a child, I see no reason this loving couple should be denied the joys of parenthood. Anyone who believes that there will be something wrong with the baby or that there is something wrong with this couple should keep their moral judgements to themselves. Being a teacher, I see many "normal all-American" families that have MANY issues and children that cannot function in a normal sense. I've also seen children from different kinds of families be very normal, accepting and understanding (although I'm not sure there is a "normal").
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"Why would you think it’s bogus? I’m just curious if you have any reason to assume it’s not true."

For one thing, they're both female, genetically speaking. The article said nothing of a male donor of sperm. Nor did they explain how a female who had undergone a sex change managed to have an embryo implanted in her uterus, via the plumbing of her brand new penis. Did they use a very long cuetip and lots of KY?
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there is no reason to doubt this article...and i agree...a family is a family no matter what form it takes...i just hope that they can get through all of the negativity without too much mental distress...
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When stuff like this gets posted to Neatorama, I clap the one who posted it and I groan and get amused by the comments.

It's painful and amusing to see so many people reject something they dislike or do not understand.

My opinion stays the same: It's wonderful that they can have a child. He will still be born into a "straight" family. He will have both a daddy and a mommy; the only thing different is that daddy was the one to carry the fetus. It's not so odd, in the animal kingdom, a lot of daddies are the one to care for their newborn children, which switches the gender roles so many humans are conditioned to think is right.
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I think that if you read the linked story and get the rest of the information the reproductive mysteries about donor sperm and penis/vagina will be cleared up. I love that in our present day this kind of thing is possible. I only worry about how the child will be treated by the small-minded people who won't understand that she was conceived and born in love. I know I sound like a hippy, but isn't love the most important thing in a child's life? What about all of the kids born to men and women who are abused and abandoned? Are they more likely to become better adults if they are given steady homes and love?
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to clarify one point of bean's...

a number of transgender men never complete a bottom surgery (no fake penis). Why? because current bottom surgeries are really ineffective and aesthetically poor.

the number of commentators rejecting this without thought is fascinating. does it frighten you that much?
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If this is what they want, great. I would have two concerns, though. First, what happened to his body after so many years of hormone therapy? Is it really wise to allow him to carry a baby? Will it screw up the kid's hormone system? And second, how do you explain this to the kid without setting him/her up for a huge trauma? "You grew in daddy's tummy." What?!?!
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@those who call bogus:

if you actually read the article, you'll find that they went to cryogenic sperm bank and got an anonymous donation, and then did a home insemination.
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Agreed: possible hoax

But if true, anyone who thinks this person is a man is kidding themselves. You can belittle those of us who see it otherwise as "small-minded," but it's still ridiculous. Ignoring any moral judgements, there is no logical way someone could conclude that this person is male.

At least there are still some people with a little sanity about these kinds of things.
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This is the greatest story ever. I love that this kind of thing can happen.
I wonder if the mother (his wife) will take prolactin and be able to breastfeed? It would make more sense, since the father's already had chest surgery to remove his breasts.

It's great to see that a loving, stable couple is bringing a child into this world that will be loved and cared for.

someguy: You are an ignorant twit. "No logical way"? What is that based on? Gender identity is a complex issue that your tiny mind clearly cannot comprehend. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born with a gender that matches their sex.
Your definition of sanity is apparently bigotry, prejudice and ignorance.
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Awesome! Congrats to the expectant couple!

And how awesome it it that one parent will get to carry the pregnancy and the other will get to nurse the baby????
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It is very frustrating that you posted this:

"The article said nothing of a male donor of sperm. Nor did they explain how a female who had undergone a sex change managed to have an embryo implanted in her uterus, via the plumbing of her brand new penis."

You specifically referenced the article, yet clearly did not actually read the article. All those points were, in fact, addressed.

And, yes, they are, genetically speaking, both female. A fact they are clearly aware of. Hence the frequent references to "transgender" and "transman."
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This isn't by any means the first time this has happened, either. There was a (comparatively) high-profile instance where Matt Rice (who was married to Patrick Califia, both big figures in the LGBT community) got pregnant; it caused a ton of drama in the FTM (female-to-male transgendered) community, where a lot of very codependent people freaked out about whether that would be safe for the kid (he had stopped taking hormones long previously to make sure it would be safe) and whether it would magically justify all the transphobia in the world. (Yeah. That's how that works.),califia-rice,15833,1.html has a pretty good essay by Patrick about it.

It's happened a lot more than that, but usually it's a private affair.
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It sounds bogus because we've heard this type of story before - "hermaphrodite impregnates self", etc...

Upon further review, it appears that some of the facts agree with the story. You must cease taking testosterone in order to ovulate again and become pregnant. So it is possible. This woman, masquerading as a man, is now pregnant. Is she officially "transgender"? I would say she has betrayed her ideals for the chance to bear a child.
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First off, it's 'he' and he makes it clear that he does not feel any less of a man doing this because he sees childbirth as a human/animal process, not a strictly female one. What he thinks and feels of his body is unique to him like it is for every other single person on earth. Who is anybody to dictate what we are and who we can be as individual human beings? But to those of you who think it's unnatural or 'anti-evolutionary' these words are falling on dumb and deaf ears.
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I question "his" trans status and thinks it makes a mockery of other trans people. If "he" was a man, he would be willing to accept a man's life (i.e. not being able to have children).

What about all the beautiful kids already in the world needing parents? Selfish, selfish, selfish pseudo-trannie.
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Yeah yeah yeah... So it's still technically a female that is pregnant. Call back and let us know when a guy like Arnold Schwarzennegar (See the movie: Junior) gets preggers. M'kay?
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I am used to having my intelligence insulted by those who have no legitimate argument.

It's interesting how people will pick and choose which mental disorders need to be treated and which need to be indulged. When a female thinks she is male, they say we should make her look like a male. Same deal with homosexuality.

However, when people have something like schizophrenia we need to treat it. How can you say that someone with split personalities wasn't supposed to be born with 2 bodies? Maybe we should graft another head on to them.
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I think this is an absolutely wonderful story. Mr. Beatie was intelligent to only publish in the Advocate, though, as it seems there is so much transphobia in the world. People all over the internet are calling them as a same sex couple, when it never even struck me to think of them that way. Maybe it's the fact I deal with homophobia all of the time, but I just can't fathom why people fear people because of their gender identity.

I was talking about this story with a friend. He told me he could accept gays, but he couldn't understand transsexuality. Why is it that big of an issue? So there are people in existence whose gender doesn't match their sex? Does that threaten people's conceptions of the world so much that they must reject it as immoral?

I'm very happy for Mr. and Mrs. Beatie (oh goodness, though his name reminds me of the chief fire fighter in Fahrenheit 451), and I wish them the best. I hope that their story opens eyes inside and outside of the LGBT community.
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"It’s interesting how people will pick and choose which mental disorders need to be treated and which need to be indulged. When a female thinks she is male, they say we should make her look like a male. Same deal with homosexuality.

However, when people have something like schizophrenia we need to treat it. "

If a woman does not feel comfortable with her body because it doesn't fit with society's ideas of what her body should look like and she wishes to inflate her breasts to 3 times the size nature intended, that's okay. We "indulge" her.

If she does not feel comfortable with her body because it doesn't fit with her own brain's ideas of what her body should look like and she wishes to remove her breasts she is sick and needs treatment.

Why do we have to make people feel wrong if they aren't exactly the way we say they should be?

Watch all of Amanda Baggs' videos on YouTube and you may learn something about diversity and acceptance.

Of course, you have to want to learn.
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I am not exactly sure what your point is. This woman is free to do whatever she wishes with her body. But she cannot become male by changing the way she looks and taking hormones. That is the truth that is not generally acknowledged. It wouldn't be the first time that a significant portion of the medical/scientific community is wrong.
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This isn't really a case of diversity and acceptance - it's a case of a very confused woman. They are a same-sex couple, since they are both females. If she were not a female, she wouldn't be pregnant.

If the person playing the man's role were truly serious about living life as a man, then she would not be pregnant. Otherwise, she's being hypocritical in her desire to play the man's role in the family. You can strap a dildo on her, but she's still a woman who wants to have her cake and eat it, too.
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Transgender- has to do with Gender identity. It is saying that gender (male/female) is different than sex (penis/vagina).
Bottom line, you might not like it, but you dont have to- it's not your life.
Chances are 50% of transgender people- you wouldn't even know they were born a different gender, without them outing themselves or giving them a physical.
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Story is ridiculous.....what man is born with overies? If there are overies then (he) is a she period....I don't care how many hormones or what if there are overies then its a woman who is pregnant....can't be call a he or funny
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How can he be legally a man if he has no penis? Does he have a penis and a vagina? I guess that's possible. Wow, what a freak! Men and women get married and woman have babies. That's the way it should be. Not this freaky same sex marriage and men having babies. I think I am watching a science fiction movie!
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This is an awkward situation. Mainly due to the fact that it had to go public. This person is legally male, and you wouldn't have been able to tell if he hadn't decided to have a child.

To me, being transgendered means living as the opposite gender and passing as that gender in public. I am sure this man must get odd looks now that he decided to go through with this.

He had the sex change surgery in the first place in order to function as a male, and yet he births a child? Wow...ok. I am all for being who you truly are inside, but not being a freak.
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it just looks funky cos looks like a pregant man!!

but for real this is really a woman so its not that impressive... all that it proves is that whatever freak pills she has been taking to become so manly have not devastated her reproductive system!...
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