Archive for March 25th, 2008

Linerider - Transcendental

(YouTube link) We’ve featured Linerider videos before, but this has to be the ultimate. Created by TechDawg, it contains over 126,000 lines. -via YesButNoButYes...

Big Bunny

Annette Edwards of Worcester has been working to breed the world’s largest rabbit. She may have done it with Amy, a four-foot rabbit that weighs in the neighborhood of 49 pounds. The headline says “three stone”, th...

Kathleen Dustin's Art Purses

Math major turned artist Kathleen Dustin makes purses - but not just any purses, her creations are nothing short of stunning. I love the "pod" series (above), where the purses are shaped like fruits and flowers...

Wonder Woman Sweater

Practical Polly made this excellent Wonder Woman sweater. She even posted the tutorial on Crafster:It took me 14 months to make, using 4ply wool, 3mm needles, a plain jumper pattern from the seventies, a ton of graph...

The Accidents of Youth: a 1819 Book About the Gory Consequences of Not Heeding Your Mom's Advice

The Accidents of Youth is a 1819 book of short stories to warn children of the dangerous temptations they should avoid and the gory consequences for not following their mother's advice. Along with the text, there are sev...

Birthing Stool

Apparently, in the Netherlands, women are encouraged to give birth the natural way, at home, and with the help of midwives (who's trained and will get you to the hospital if there is a medical reason). And that thing to...

California Wolverine

No one had seen a California wolverine since 1922. But pictures taken by remote cameras have confirmed that there is one in the Tahoe National Forest now. U.S. Forest Service research ecologist William Zielinski says hai...

Rick Astley Talks About Rickrolling

Been rickrolled? (Who hasn't?) Here's what Rick Astley, the guy whose song "Never Gonna Give You Up" is immortalized as a web meme/annoyance (thanks 4channers!) think about the whole thing:Over the last yea...

Wal-Mart Wants Disabled Woman's Long-Term Care Money Back

Debbie Shank suffered severe brain damage after a traffic accident 8 years ago that robbed her of much of her memory. She cries every time she's told that her son was killed in Iraq, as if hearing the news for the first...

Door to Hell: The Burning Crater of Darvaza

Photo: John H. BradleyThat burning crater near Darvaza, Turkmenistan, is called "The Door to Hell" by the locals. Decades ago, geologists were drilling for gas when they hit an underground cavern filled with ga...

Angry Barbecue

This grill thinks winter has lasted too long already! From I Can Has Cheezburger. Link -via Reddit...

Cat Dentures

A group of college students who called themselves Fangs A Lot have opened a business in Britain named Animal Solutions. They sell false teeth for cats. And dogs and other animals, as needed. Cats have notoriously b...

Swimming Monkeys

(YouTube link) Who knew macaques were such good swimmers? -via Arbroath...

Salvador Dali Bloopers

Salvador Dali and photographer Phillipe Halsman teamed up to produce the art photo Dali Atomicus, the picture of airborne water and cats. It wasn’t easy; there were 28 takes before the finished product was sho...

Om lingalingalinalinga, kilikili: Atheist Pwns Black Magic Guru

Black magic is taken very seriously in many parts of the world. In India, for example, people believe in "tantriks" (or black magic practitioners). So, when Sanal Edamaruku, the president of Rationalist Interna...

Japan's Contribution to Space Science: Boomerang Does Return When Thrown in Zero Gravity!

Does a boomerang return when thrown in zero-gravity? Japanese astronaut Takao Doi did the experiment aboard the International Space Station:Before he flew on the U.S. shuttle Endeavour to the International Space Stat...

Dubai and Other Places You Probably Don't Associate with Skiing

Weburbanist has a neat post about 5 Places You've Probably Never Thought to Go Skiing. Amongst the far out places are Lebanon (check the weather and the political climate before you go), Bolivia (the highest sk...

The Subprime Mortgage Crisis Explained with Cartoons

If you don't understand a whit about what's happening with the credit crisis and the whole subprime mortgage mess, here's a primer - in cartoon form - at Joey deVilla's Accordion Guy blog: Link Or, if you're literary an...

Trivia: Rutherford B. Hayes' Claim to Fame

Rutherford B. Hayes was the first US President to have a telephone and a typewriter in the White House.You may not remember Hayes, but he started the very first Easter Egg hunt on the lawn of the White House, a tradition...

Vintage Ad for Chubby Girls

Back in the days, people aren't afraid to call fat people "chubby" - not even a company that made its name selling fashionable plus-size clothing and lingerie to women! Here's a vintage Lane Bryant ad selling &...

The Pregnant Husband: Transgender Man Expecting a Baby

To his neighbors, Thomas Beatie and his wife Nancy are just another young happy couple living in a quiet Oregon neighborhood. But Thomas is no ordinary man: he is transgender and now ... he is pregnant! Ten years a...

Elephant Cam!

Film-maker John Downer had a brilliant idea. He attached cameras to elephants and let them loose in an animal reserve to capture wildlife photos as you've never seen before: He fixed webcams to four elephants. One carri...

Quote: Magnus Pyke on How to tell the Sciences Apart

"If it squirms, it's biology; if it stinks, it's chemistry; if it doesn't work, it's physics; and if you can't understand it, it's mathematics." - Magnus Pyke, scientist (mad scientist, actually)...

Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros

Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros is a song by the two-man band, Flight of the Conchords. The guys bill themselves as "formerly New Zealand's fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk du...

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