Italian police is looking for this man, who robbed supermarkets by hypnotizing the checkout staff into giving him money:
Now, let's see if I can hypnotize you into leaving comments ... Look into my, um, blog?He waited until he got to a female bank clerk and, according to the video footage, appears to hypnotise her into handing over more than £600.
He then calmly walked out.
The cashier who was shown the video footage reportedly has no memory of the incident. She only realised what had happened when she saw the
money missing.
i was working in a certain large chain video store part time while at college and an indian ( asian for you U.S readers ) guy came in and proceeded to do a magic trick on me. It went something like this, he told me to hold my thumb down on my palm and then think of a flower i said rose and when i lifted my thumb the word rose was written underneath my thumb.
it made me feel really woozy and weird and disconnected he then started asking me to give him money from the till but i felt myself snap out of it, he made his excuses and left. only after did i catch on that i was nearly hypnotized and he really expected me to go and empty the till.
its is honest to god one of the strangest things that has ever happened to me, the thought that i could nearly be hypnotized so easily and quickly was quite frightening
Inside job.
She has a weak mind or the guy is good.