Frogger Desktop Arcade

p>Remember the Seinfeld episode where George Costanza bought a Frogger machine with his high score and tried to push it across a busy street? Well, if only he had this Frogger desktop arcade!

Desktop Frogger Arcade is true to the 1971 original

That's right, we said 1971. Many of you are thinking, "Wait a second, I thought Frogger came out in 1981. Must be a typo." Well, you, sir (or ma'am), are incorrect. Frogger was developed in 1971 by the University of Washington Psychology Department as some sort of prize / reward for completing a short-term memory test. Someone at Konami the idea and released it on the Atari in 1981. Thank you, Wikipedia, for making us look oh-so-informed.

Vat19 has it for $29.95: Link

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I have both the Pac-Man and Donkey Kong Jr. machines. My cousins actually installed a volume switch on my Pac-Man machine because of how loud it was; it was driving my mother nuts.
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I had one of these too! Funny thing is, the first video game I ever played was Frogger, at Disneyland in the little penny arcade they had there on the Main Street.
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